Inclusion Infusions: Sign, sign, everywhere a sign…or not?

This week we have a guest blog written by Quinn Blue, Wellness & Equity Centre Co-ordinator, Algonquin College Students Association.

Have you seen the signs in the washrooms? The ones that clarify what has always been true – that trans and gender diverse people can use the washroom they feel most comfortable in? Have you seen a few less of them lately?

Too many of these signs have been vandalized or torn down. I’m really heartbroken to see that on our campus, there are people who are so opposed to me, and other people like me, being able to use the washroom. These signs being torn down tells me just how much we need those signs to exist. I’m grateful that security is taking these actions very seriously.

One of the biggest fears that gets brought up when we talk about all-gender washrooms, or even simply allowing trans people to use the washroom of their lived identities, is safety. I get it, everyone wants to be safe in the washroom! As more protections exist for trans and gender diverse people, the evidence becomes clear: letting trans people use the washroom doesn’t increase safety concerns for cisgender (non-trans) people. In fact, safety is generally far more of a concern for trans people, who face frequent harassment and even violence in washrooms. The reality I hear from trans and gender diverse students is that a lot of them simply avoid using the washroom on campus as much as possible.

Next week, on November 20th, is Trans Day of Remembrance. This is important because harassment and violence in washrooms is just one small piece of what transphobia and transmisogyny can look like. The Wellness and Equity Centre will be tabling in the Student Commons (E Building) from 10am to 1pm for TDoR. Please stop by to support and learn more.

Even though that all feels pretty heavy, I feel really hopeful. One of the things I know about this campus is how much people care. I know that we won’t let a handful of people get in the way of Algonquin College being a safe and inclusive space for everyone. Together, as a campus community, we need to protect vulnerable members of our community and create full inclusion for everyone. We need to set the tone on our campus that trans and gender diverse people belong here.

I want to invite us to be at the forefront of building inclusive campuses. I know that the new Students’ Association Athletics and Recreation Complex (coming 2021) will have all-gender washrooms and change rooms available, and I want that to be just the beginning. I want us as a campus community to create policies to ensure that any new buildings and any renovations will include building all-gender washrooms. I want trans and gender diverse students, and everyone who is part of our campus community, to be able to pee in peace. I want us all to be safe, and to have it be no big deal to need to use the washroom.

And I know we can get there.


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