2SLGBTTIQ+ Glossary


An acronym which stands for “2 Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender/Transsexual, Two-Spirited, Intersex, and Queer/Questioning”.


A straight-identified person who is supportive of equality and civil rights for sexual and gender diversity.


Irrational fear and hatred of bisexual people, behaviour, and/or bisexuality in general.


An individual (female or male) who is attracted to and may form sexual and affectionate relationships with both men and women.


A person who feels they have to (or may choose to) conceal their sexual or gender identity is ‘closeted’ or ‘in the closet’. The closet represents a hiding place for one’s sexuality, gender expression, and/or gender identity.

Coming Out

Process of disclosing one’s sexual and/or gender to themselves and others. Also known as “coming out of the closet”.


An acronym which stands for Female–to–Male. The initials are used to specify the direction of gender change.


Defines a male who is attracted to and may form sexual and affectionate relationships with the same sex. Often “gay” is used to describe both men and women who partner with the same sex; this is not universally preferred.


Socially constructed definition of one’s sex, based on societal expectations of femininity and masculinity.

Gender Expression

How a person performs and manifests their biological sex and/or identified gender.

Gender Identity

One’s psychological sense of oneself as a male, female or androgynous.


The belief that there are (and should only be) two possible gender types; we all fit one or the other, but not both. Unfortunately, this mindset is common and it promotes attitudes and practices that discriminate against people who cannot fit this mould. Genderism is a lot like heterosexism; they are both vehicles that allow the majority population to assume an elevated position within society. This “higher” position has been largely maintained by false accusations or moral and ethical misconduct. Though progress is slow, society is becoming better educated and old prejudices are losing credibility

Hermaphrodite (See Intersex)

An offensive term used to describe intersex individuals who have ambiguous sex organs.


Societal and institutional reinforcement of heterosexuality as the privileged and norm; with the assumption that everyone identifies as heterosexual.


The irrational fear and/or hatred of, aversion to, or discrimination against lesbian, gay, or bisexual (LGB) person or perceived LGB behaviour.


Initially, introduced in the American Psychological Association (APA) to diagnose someone who partners with the same sex. Presently, not part of (APA) as a diagnosis and often not preferred to describe men and women who partner with the same sex.


The preferred term for a person who is born with ambiguous or multiple reproductive or sexual anatomies that does not correspond to typical definitions of male or female.


Defines a female who is attracted to and may form sexual and affectionate relationships with the same sex. Often lesbians are incorporated into the term gay; which may be used to describe both men and women who partner with the same sex. This is not universally preferred.


Derogatory term to describe someone who is lesbian, gay, bisexual or queer.


An acronym which stands for Male–to–Female. The initials are used to specify the direction of gender change.

Out (someone)

To disclose someone else’s sexual orientation or gender identity without permission from that person. Also, used to describe how publicly “out” someone is with their sexual orientation or gender identity.


Derogatory description of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Queer sexuality.


Reclaimed offensive slang for the 2SLGBTTIQ+ communities. May not be accepted by all communities, and can still be used as an offensive term. Often used by the 2SLGBTTIQ+ communities and those who partner with the opposite sex, to defy identities and labelling.


One’s anatomical designation as either male or female based on the presence or absence of primary sexual characteristics.

Sexual Orientation

The inclination or capacity to develop intimate emotional and sexual relationships with people of the same sex (lesbian, gay), a different sex (heterosexual), or either sex (bisexual).


Slang for a person who is attracted to and may form sexual and affectionate relationships with a person of a different sex.

Transgender (TG), Trans or Trans-Identified

A person who identifies with a gender identity other than the one that was ascribed to the biological sex of one’s birth; or a person who views one’s gender as more fluid than the strictly male or female gender category allows. Also used as an umbrella term for transsexual, transgender, cross-dressing and inter-sex people. Trans persons may be gay, lesbian, bisexual, queer, two-spirited or heterosexual.


The irrational fear and/or hatred of, aversion to, harassment or discrimination against transgender, transsexual, intersex or cross-dressing persons, or those perceived to be.

Transsexual (TS)

An individual who presents themselves and lives as the gender opposite to their sex at birth. Transsexuals may be someone who partners with the opposite sex, bisexual, lesbian, or gay in their sexual orientation; not always a sexual minority. Transsexual individuals may also seek some type of sex reassignment surgery or hormones.

Transvestite (TV)

Non-preferred term to describe someone who dresses in clothing of their opposite gender.

Two-spirit (or 2 Spirit/Two-Spirited)

“Two Spirited” is most commonly used today by Indigenous people who also identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered. The term “Two-Spirit” is culturally relevant and acknowledges First Nations teachings that understood the existence of three genders: the male, the female and those who were gifted with both the male and female spirit.  Historically, two-spirited individuals were seen as a vital part of the community, who often had the role of healers and teachers.  Unfortunately, due to colonization and other experiences faced by Indigenous people, many of these teachings have been lost. Today, the seventh generation hope to reclaim and honour the teachings of the Two-Spirit.