FAQs About Counselling Groups at Algonquin College

Here are a few frequently asked questions to help you find clarity on whether counselling groups are a good fit for your needs.

What Counselling Groups Does Algonquin College Offer?

You have access to information about counsellor-led groups on the Group Counselling website. You can also go to the Student Support Services Events page to see them listed alongside all other events happening at the college. Some groups are drop-in and others require registration.

What are Counsellor-Led Registered Groups?

Our Counsellor-Led Registered groups include students who meet regularly with one or two registered psychotherapists or registered social workers. Registered groups include an opportunity to learn and practice evidence-based wellness skills in a supportive environment.

These groups are most effective when they are attended weekly, and their size varies.

We also offer drop-in groups and peer-to-peer groups if weekly attendance is not an option for you.

How Do I Sign Up for a Group?

Specific instructions for signing up for specific groups are available here. Some groups require pre-registration and others are drop-in!

Generally, to join a registered group, you can drop by the Welcome Centre (3rd Floor, Student Commons, E building), call 613.727.4723 ext. 7200, or email welcomecentre@algonquincollege.com

For drop-in groups, please see the specific group you are interested in, for drop-in locations and instructions and just drop in as little or as much as you’d like.

What If I See My Classmates During a Group?

You may see other students from Algonquin College in a counselling group. We’d encourage you to remember that you are there for the same purpose: to seek support and learn new skills to support their wellbeing and emphasize the importance of confidentiality during all groups.

I’m Nervous About Attending a Group…

It is completely normal to feel nervous about joining a counselling group and it’s important to remember that these groups are designed to help students. It may be helpful to acknowledge that it’s okay to feel nervous and that the sessions can be beneficial to help you reach your goals.

You can also consider starting by attending a drop-in group to see whether counselling groups are right for you. You can also consider bringing a friend along or dropping by to the Health and Wellness Zone (3rd floor, E building) to connect with the facilitators.

How Do I Connect With the Welcome Centre?

Students can call 613.727.4723 ext. 7200 or email welcomecentre@algonquincollege.com to connect with the Welcome Centre.

The Welcome Centre is located on the 3rd floor of the Student Commons Building. Here is a link to the Ottawa Campus Map, to further help depending on where on campus you are heading over from.

What If I Have a Question About a Group That Isn’t Answered Here?

If you still have unanswered questions, you can drop by the Student Health & Wellness Zone (3rd floor, E building) to learn more about counselling and peer-led wellness groups.

To speak with a Group Counsellor specifically, drop by on September 10, 2024, between 11 am and 12:30 pm or on September 17, 2024, between 11 am and 12:30 pm.