
Counselling Services provides self-help resources, workshops, groups and individual counselling for students, as well as training for employees and resources for employees to use in their work with students.

If you are an employee or faculty member at Algonquin College, explore the links below to learn how we can support you and your students.

  • Referring Students to Counselling Services: What to do if you know a student who is seeking support for mental health, career, or academic concerns.
  • Supporting Students in Distress Handout: How to recognize the signs of mental health distress, knowing how to respond in a supportive way, and referring to appropriate resources on campus and in the community.
  • Workshops and Certifications: Request a counsellor-led workshop for your class, or receive certification at one of our training sessions for employees.
  • Positive Space: Training and resources to help ensure that all LGBTQ students and employees feel visible, supported and knowledgeable about LGBTQ issues and supports.
  • Apps and Online Tools: A list of web-based self-help resources, most of which are free and available for all students and employees.
  • Crisis Support Resources: Helplines offering support for students in crisis.
  • Career Chats: Tips for having informed career conversations with learners.

At Counselling Services, we focus on providing support to our student body. While we appreciate that many employees are also pursuing studies, we do not provide counselling services to Algonquin College employees; students who are engaged in work placements, Co-op placements, or hold CSEP positions are fully eligible for our support.

We encourage Algonquin College employees who are seeking mental health and wellness related supports to access resources through Human Resources, such as the Employee Family Assistance Plan (EFAP).