Apps and Online Tools

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Algonquin Students’ Association: WeConnect

WeConnect is included in the student health plan and is available to all applicable students.

Click here to learn more about WeConnect!

Guard.Me Insurance

Guard.Me health insurance is included in the international student tuition costs of all international students paying international student fees and studying at Algonquin College.

Click here to learn more.

Other Apps and Websites

The following online tools are free (unless stated otherwise) and provide information, resources, and supportthat you can access anytime, anywhere, to help improve your mental health and general well-being.


Depression and Bi-Polar Disorder and Low Mood

Increasing Happiness

Sleep Hygiene

Mindfulness and Meditation

Stress Management

Trauma and PTSD

Substance Use


Just As I Am: The Practice of Self-Care and Compassion
Your Best You: Improving Your Mood
Your Best You: Managing Your Anxiety