Tragic Event Response Team (TERT)

Algonquin College prides itself on being a caring and compassionate community. We all strive to support students impacted by significant life events. The unfortunate reality is, in a large institution such as Algonquin College, tragic incidents that significantly impact employees and students may occur from time to time. These events typically have a broad impact and affect a large number of students, or even the entire Algonquin community.

TERT is a multidisciplinary group of College employees covering all Algonquin campuses. Team members are trained to provide Psychological First Aid to students in the event of a tragic incident. These events may occur on or off campus. This page provides information to staff on what to expect in the event of a TERT activation.

TERT Services and Support

When a tragic event occurs, it is preferable to move swiftly and decisively to provide support to all impacted students. TERT can assist College employees to develop an appropriate response when students have been impacted by such events. Common tragic events that impact students include:

  • A natural disaster
  • A large scale accident
  • A significant event, impacting multiple students
  • An event of significant scale or duration
  • A threat to the personal safety of students

Exposure to traumatic or serious events has the potential to evoke a strong emotional reaction. Intense feelings of guilt, sadness, or anger can lead to poor concentration, acting impulsively, increased substance use, and lashing out at others. These effects can be significantly reduced by providing support shortly after the event.

TERT will provide support services in consultation with faculty, chairs, and other staff connected to the students impacted by the event. Types of interventions include:

  • On-site crisis support
  • Group/class debriefing sessions
  • Counselling sessions with individual students impacted by the event
  • Consultation with Algonquin employees about supporting impacted students
  • Referral to community resources
  • Follow-up

TERT Activation

The Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) can activate the TERT team via the Student Support Services Director’s Office, which will liaise with the Manager of Counselling Services about any TERT response.

TERT team members can flag developing situations to the Manager of Counselling Services, who will approach the Director’s Office, Student Support Services, to make them aware of potential requirements for a TERT response.

It is useful for the TERT team to have the following information:

  • Details of the event
  • People directly affected
  • Any information that might indicate the potential impact on the College community.

If you would like additional information regarding TERT, contact Jeff Agate, Acting Manager, Student Counselling and Wellness Supports and Welcome Centre at or 613.727.4723 ext. 5245.

Please note: Death of a Student Notifications are carried out by the Counselling Services team members, not the TERT team, as per Algonquin College Direction SA04 – Response to the Death of a Student. Any information about a student death should be reported to the Director of Student Support Services in the first instance.