Crisis Support Resources

Dial 911 If you require immediate medical attention or protection.

Security Services

613.727.4723 ext. 5000

If you are on the Ottawa campus and need immediate assistance, dial extension 5000 from any College phone or use one of the red Emergency Call Boxes located outside of stairwells and in the parking lots.

Ottawa Crisis Line

613-722-6914 or 1-866-966-0991 or

The Crisis Line is the first point of public access to the world of mental health services for people who are experiencing serious mental health issues. This could include situational crisis, psychosis, severe depression, anxiety or suicidal behaviour. Individuals, families or concerned friends may call the Crisis Line where our volunteer Crisis Line Responders will assess each situation, offer support and, if required, connect you with the appropriate Crisis Team in your area.

Ottawa Distress Centre

613- 238-3311 or
Text/Chat 343.306.5550 (10am-11pm)

The Distress Line/Help Line is a vital community service that is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Distress Line/Help Line services provide emotional support and encouragement, crisis management and intervention, suicide risk assessment and prevention, community resource/referral information!

What do people call about?

  • Problems in their relationship with a spouse, a partner, a sibling, a friend or family member
  • Changes in their mental health
  • Mental or physical illness diagnosis
  • Loneliness or isolation
  • Suicidal thoughts or behaviour
  • Emotional or physical pain
  • Grief for the loss of a loved one
  • Fear
  • Victim of abuse or domestic violence
  • Addictions
  • High level of stress following a recent event
  • Concern about the well-being of a loved one
  • Eviction from their home / emergency housing

This list is certainly not exhaustive since distress/crisis is a very personal and unique experience for each person. While some issues are extremely small to some, they have the ability to be quite overwhelming or even unbearable to others.


1-866-925-5454 or text GOOD2TALKON to 686868 to access the Crisis Text Line or

A professional counselling and information and referral telephone service. Good2Talk also has a website, which includes the option of connecting by FB Messenger.

The Canada Suicide Prevention Service

1.833.456.4566 Quebec – 1.866.277.3553

Need help? Connect with our responders now Call 1.833.456.4566 Available 24/7/365 Send a text to 45645 Available 4pm – Midnight ET Standard text messaging rates apply

For residents of Quebec, call 1 866 APPELLE (1.866.277.3553)

If you’re thinking about suicide, are worried about a friend or loved one, the Canada Suicide Prevention Service is available 24/7 for voice and 4pm to 12am ET for text.