Four Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Co-op Experience
Posted on Thursday, April 27th, 2017
It’s almost May, and for those of you heading to a co-op work-term, you may be starting to feel anxious, excited, and nervous. Co-op can be a career-launching experience for you. It’s an awesome way to learn more about your industry and to become familiar with the kinds of working environments you can expect. You’ll gain valuable experience and stand out in any future job hunt.
Like so many things in life, you get out of co-op what you put into it. Below are some tried and true ways to get the most out of your placement.

Learn Every Day
The huge benefit of co-op is that it is, by definition, a learning experience. You remain a full-time student throughout your work-term . And much the same as your learning time in the classroom, you can supplement your experience by putting in a bit of extra effort along the way.
Ask Questions
While you will be learning every day through the activities and interactions that you’re assigned, there are ways for you to take initiative and broaden the experiences you have while at co-op. The best way is to ask questions.
There are a lot of reasons to ask good questions. In addition to making sure you do your work right, you will come to understand what role your position plays in the overall running of the organization. In demonstrating that initiative, you show your employer that you are interested and involved with the company (and not just there to complete your term and leave).
Remember the Answers
Because you will be absorbing so much new information, it’s important to remember what you’re learning. Asking questions is great, but you don’t want to ask the same question more than once, or you’re look like you aren’t listening to the answers.
The best way to stay on top of it is to write everything down. Carry a pad of paper everywhere, and take notes constantly. Never go into a meeting without your notebook, and be sure to keep your notes organized. That way, if you forget something, all the answers you need are right at your fingertips.

Keep Track of What You’re Doing
As your term progresses, keep a list of the tasks and projects that you’ve been involved with. This will help you in a number of different ways.
If you’re an Algonquin College co-op student, you will be expected to complete assignments and a final report based on your work experiences. It’s super helpful to have a list of what you’ve done and learned right there, so you can create a well-rounded and reflective report.
Keeping track of your work will benefit you far beyond your school assignments, too. The experiences gained during co-op will provide you with skills that you can transfer to future jobs. Remembering those experiences and incorporating them into your cover letters, resumes, and interviews will show that you really learned from your time at co-op.
Exercise Your Skills and Build Your Brand
Remember back when you went through our branding exercise and identified your key skills? Now is the time to prove it.
When an opportunity arises to for you to demonstrate what you’re most skilled at, take it. You already know that that skill is one of the things you want to be known for. To really build your reputation and grow your brand, you have to show the world what you’re good at.
Remember: your employer hired you for a reason. Show them that you’re ready for the challenge by doing your very best work for them.

There is no better place to grow your network than your co-op position. The connections that you make in this position could help you (or, you could help them) for years to come.
So work hard and be personable. Build a strong professional relationship with your supervisors and coworkers. Work on making a strong reputation for yourself and helping others whenever you can. You will gain great friends and mentors along the way.
Co-op is a unique experience, and is widely recognized for having tons of benefits for both you and your employer. By putting in the effort and excelling at your placement, you will set yourself up for long-lasting success in your future.
Are you a student interested in taking a co-op program? An employer interested in hiring an Algonquin College co-op student? Get in touch with us in the co-op office! Visit our website at, connect with us at or call us at 613-727-4723 Ext.7623.
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