Oskar Linkruus, Building Science Technologist
Natural Resources Canada
Program: Bachelor of Science(Building Science) (Honours), Algonquin Centre for Construction Excellence (ACCE)
Quote from the nomination:
“Oskar is bright, responsible, and imaginative and always finished his tasks accurately and on time. He was given a variety of projects involving research, technical analysis, and technical writing. Oskar consistently displayed initiative in his co-op term. For example, when asked to track down home insulation levels recommended by historical building codes, Oskar not only found a variety of sources to search through, but he created a spreadsheet where insulation levels were displayed with the input of a year and province. Oskar was only asked to document the data; the extra effort to make a searchable tool was his initiative, and he taught himself the tools he needed to use in Excel. He is capable of working independently and knows when to ask questions when he needs guidance. Oskar is quick to learn new technology.
Oskar accepted guidance and feedback cheerfully and was keen to ensure that the work he was doing was in line with the team’s goals and expectations. The work Oskar was asked to do involved connecting with and learning from many people on the team, and he was always a pleasant and eager student. He was on time to meetings and prepared for presentations. When Oskar was asked to present his work on insulation levels, he asked for feedback on the slide deck and practised the presentation in order to give the best presentation he could. When Oskar had to leave some projects uncompleted due to the end of the co-op term, he spent his last weeks documenting his progress and methodology so that it could be picked up by someone else.
Along with a solid work ethic, Oskar has a strong attention to detail. When he was tasked with proposing changes to the help menu in HOT2000, he combed through each entry carefully ensuring that he caught every discrepancy. He is also a strong technical writer. His reports were well laid out, with explanations that were easy to follow and good documentation of his research. Some of the work he was asked to do has attracted the interest of groups in other parts of government, who would like access to the database he created.”
– Gwendolyn Barr, Natural Resources Canada