To help you pay your Algonquin College co-op student, there are several provincial and federal funding opportunities to help offset some of your salary costs.
The Algonquin College Co-op Department can help you navigate how to access each of these funding opportunities. Please contact us at and we will guide you through the process.
Employers can apply for wage subsidies for help hiring post-secondary students through the Student Work Placement program.
Please note that international students do not qualify for SWPP funding.
BIOTalent Canada
BIOTalent Canada
Potential Programs: Bachelor of Commerce (E-Supply Chain Management) (Honours), Biotechnology Advanced, Environmental Management and Assessment, Environmental Technician, Computer Engineering Technology – Computing Science, Computer Programmer, Computer Systems Technician, Regulatory Affairs – Sciences, Bachelor of Technology (Digital Health), etc.
Wage Subsidy:
- Up to $ 7 000 in wage subsidy per student hired.
Eligible Employers: Organizations within the Bio-health, Bio-energy, Bio-industrial, Agri-Biotech industry or the co-op position is focused on bio-economy tasks.
Eligible Students:
- Registered in a Science Technology, Engineering, Mathematics or Business program at a Canadian post-secondary institution.
- Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or hold refugee status.
- Legally entitled to work according to the relevant provincial legislation and regulations.
International students do not qualify for this source of funding.
Application Process: Employers are asked to submit an online application form. Employers are asked to apply for the funding before selecting their student.
Approval Timeline: 5-10 business days
Contact: Joanne Jordan
Canadian Agricultural Human Resources Council – Growing Opportunities
The Growing Opportunities project is designed to bridge the gap and connect skilled and motivated post-secondary students with employers for careers in agriculture.
Wage Subsidy:
- 50% of the wages (to a maximum of $5,000) for each net new placement.
- 70% of the wages (to a maximum of $7,000) for each net new placement for under-represented groups including women in STEM, Indigenous students, newcomers, and persons with disabilities, visible minority as well as first-year students.
Eligible Employers:
- Registered Canadian businesses and not-for-profit organizations from the agriculture industry (including but not limited to: field crops, primary producers, greenhouse, horticulture, aquaculture, veterinary clinics servicing farm animals/ livestock, farm equipment dealerships, input dealers and agriculture focused media agencies).
- Employers willing to hire students from both agriculture and non-agriculture backgrounds to provide quality work integrated learning experience to postsecondary students across Canada.
- Students registered as a domestic student in a recognized post-secondary institution in a full-time or part-time program at the time of placement.
- Students undertaking a placement recognized as a Work-Integrated Learning component by the student’s institution in connection with a course, degree, certificate, diploma, or other recognized program offered by the institution.
- Undergraduate, graduate, diploma or certificate programs eligible.
Eligible Students:
- Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or refugee status.
- Currently enrolled in a Canadian post-secondary institution.
International students do not qualify for this source of funding.
Application Process: Employers are asked to submit an online application form:
Nadee Imran | 343-999-3953
Canadian Council for Aerospace and Aviation (CCAA)
Canadian Council for Aerospace and Aviation (CCA)
Potential Programs: Bachelor of Commerce (E-Supply Chain Management) (Honours), Computer Engineering Technology – Computing Science, Computer Programmer, Computer Systems Technician, Mechanical Engineering Technology, etc.
Wage Subsidy:
- Up to 50% of wages or $5,000 for students that are not part of an under-represented group.
- Up to 70% of wages or $7,000 for students in underrepresented groups: women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), Indigenous students, recent immigrants, persons with disabilities and first year students.
Eligible Employers: Organizations within the Aviation and Aerospace industry.
Eligible Students:
- Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or refugee status.
- Currently enrolled in a Canadian post-secondary institution.
- Consent to release employment information to CCAA and the Government of Canada periodically during the placement and after the end of the placement.
International students do not qualify for this source of funding.
Contact: Kethy Sosso-Kolle:
Electricity Human Resources Canada (EHRC)
Electricity Human Resources Canada (EHRC)
Potential Programs: Bachelor of Commerce (E-Supply Chain Management) (Honours), Business Administration – General Business, Computer Engineering Technology – Computing Science, Computer Programmer, Computer Systems Technician, Electrical Engineering Technician/Technology, Energy Management, Mechanical Engineering Technology, Powerline Technician etc.
Wage Subsidy:
- Up to 50% of wages or $5,000 for students that are not part of an under-represented group.
- Up to 70% of wages or $7,000 for students in underrepresented groups: women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), Indigenous students, recent immigrants, persons with disabilities and first year students.
Eligible Employers:
- Canadian owned or a Canadian subsidiary.
- Primary activity is the generation, transmission and distribution of electrical power.
- Sector support including renewables, in any of the following areas: R & D, business development, energy efficiency.
- Engaged in the manufacturing of equipment and the provision of services necessary to the generation, transmission and distribution of electrical power.
Eligible Students:
- Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or refugee status.
- Currently enrolled in a Canadian post‑secondary institution full-time.
- Legally entitled to work according to the relevant provincial legislation and regulations.
International students do not qualify for this source of funding.
Application Process: Employers are asked to submit an online application form.
Approval Timeline: 5-10 business days
Yoana Turnin,
Project Manager
613.235.5540 ext. 243
Environmental Careers Organization of Canada (ECO Canada)
Environmental Careers Organization of Canada (ECO Canada)
Potential Programs: Bachelor of Commerce (E-Supply Chain Management) (Honours), Bachelor of Building Science (Honours), Biotechnology Advanced, Civil Engineering Technology, Computer Engineering Technology – Computing Science, Computer Programmer, Computer Systems Technician, Environmental Management and Assessment, Environmental Technician, Geographic Information System, Regulatory Affairs –Sciences etc.
Wage Subsidy: Up to $ 7,500.
Eligible Employers: The company or organization needs to be Canadian owned or a Canadian subsidiary. The co-op position needs to be related to the environment or an environment project and have an element of Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math.
Eligible Students:
- Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or refugee status.
- 30 years of age or younger.
- Currently enrolled in a Canadian post-secondary institution
- Minimum of 180 hours.
International students do not qualify for this source of funding.
Application Process: Employers are asked to submit an online application form.
Approval Timeline: 10 business days
Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium
Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium WILWorks
Potential Programs: Applied Nuclear Science and Radiation Safety, Architectural Technician/Technology, Bachelor of Automation and Robotics, Bachelor of Building Science, Building Construction Technician, Civil Engineering Technology, Construction Engineering Technician, Electrical Engineering Technician/ Technology, Energy Management, Mechanical Engineering Technology, Welding and Fabrication Techniques and more
- Up to $7 500 in wage subsidy for each hired student.
Eligible Employers:
An eligible employer must be in the manufacturing industry or a manufacturing-related sub-sector.
- You are a registered Canadian business or organization
- You are not a federal or provincial government group
- You have the financial capacity to hire a student for a part of full-time work term, pay them consistently, and provide a meaningful work experience
Application Process: WILWorks – Post Secondary – EMC Canada
Contact: Wendy Gray:
Read the FAQ for more details
Food Processing Skills Canada (FPSC)
Food Processing Skills Canada
Potential Programs: Business Agriculture, Bachelor of Culinary Arts and Food Science, Bachelor of Hospitality and Tourism, and more. Students can be from any program of study. Co-op positions within the food and beverage processing and related industries.
Wage Subsidy:
- Up to $ 7000 in wage subsidy per student hired.
Eligible Employers:
- Registered, Canadian business or not-for-profit in the food and beverage processing industry or related industries including grocers, retailers, consultants, food related associations and businesses
- Federal, Provincial, Territorial and Municipal Government does not qualify
- Financial institutions do not qualify
Eligible Students:
- Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or persons to whom refugee protection has been conferred under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
- Can be from any program of study.
- Graduates students are eligible.
International students do not qualify for this source of funding.
Application Process:
For Employer: For the Love of Skills
Information and Communication Technology Council (ICTC)
Potential Programs: Bachelor of Commerce (E-Supply Chain Management) (Honours), Business Administration – International Business, Business Administration – Supply Chain and Operations Management, Business Intelligence System Infrastructure, Computer Engineering Technology – Computing Science, Computer Programmer, Computer Systems Technician, Geographic Information System, Technical Writer, etc.
Wage Subsidy:
- Up to (75%) $7 500 in wage subsidies per student hired.
Eligible Employers: Canadian businesses that offer student work placements within the Digital Economy.
Eligible Students:
- Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or refugee status.
- Currently enrolled in a Canadian post‑secondary institution full-time.
- Legally entitled to work according to the relevant provincial legislation and regulations.
International students do not qualify for this source of funding.
Application Process: Employers are asked to apply via WIL Digital – ICTC Programs ( Applications are accepted year round and must be started approximately 2 months prior to start date.
Approval Timeline: Two weeks
Potential Programs: Any co-op program
Wage Subsidy:
- Up to 50% of wages or $5,000 for students that are not part of an under-represented group.
- Up to 70% of wages or $7,000 for first-year students in under-represented groups: women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), Indigenous students, recent immigrants, persons with disabilities
Eligible Employers:
- Registered, Canadian business or not-for-profit
- Federal, Provincial, Territorial and Municipal Government does not qualify
- Are willing to provide a quality learning experience to a student.
Eligible Students:
- Students in any program of study with a work-integrated learning component.
- Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or hold refugee status.
- Legally entitled to work according to the relevant provincial legislation and regulations.
International students do not qualify for this source of funding.
Application Process: Employers are asked to submit an online application form. Employers are asked to apply for the funding before selecting their student.
Approval Timeline: 5-10 business days
Mining Industry Human Resource Council (MiHR)
Mining Industry Human Resource Council (MiHR)
Potential Programs: Architectural Technician/Technology, Bachelor of Building Science (Honours), Bachelor of Commerce (E-Supply Chain Management) (Honours), Civil Engineering Technology, Computer Programmer, Computer Systems Technician, Computer Engineering Technology – Computing Science, Environmental Management & Assessment, Geographic Information System, Mechanical Engineering Technology, etc.
Eligible Employers:
- Small, medium or large companies in the mining or mineral exploration sector.
- Post-secondary and not-for-profit organizations are also eligible for this funding.
Eligible Students:
- Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or refugee status.
- Currently enrolled in a Canadian post‑secondary institution full-time.
- Legally entitled to work according to the relevant provincial legislation and regulations.
- Studying in fields related to science, technology, engineering, mathematics and/or business.
- International students do not qualify for this source of funding.
Application Process: Apply online here.
Approval Timeline: 10 days
Contact: Priya Pandit:
Mitacs – Accelerate
Mitacs – Accelerate Program
Eligible Students:
- Canadian citizens, permanent residents, and international students over the age of 18.
Eligible Employers:
- Eligible for-profit corporations in Canada and not-for-profit corporations in Canada.
- For-profit businesses outside Canada.
- All sectors.
- Not-for-profit corporation eligibility and project economic orientation must be assessed prior to proposal submission.
- Contact to confirm your start-up’s eligibility.
Application Process:
Ontario Chamber of Commerce
Talent Opportunities Program | OCC
The Talent Opportunities Program (TOP) is an initiative of the Ontario Chamber of Commerce designed to help employers located anywhere in Canada hire college and university students on WIL placements.
Potential Programs: Any co-op program.
Wage Subsidy:
Employers may receive a wage subsidy up to 50% of the wages (to a maximum of $5,000) for each ‘net new’ placement or 70% of the wages (to a maximum of $7,000) for each ‘net new’ placement for the following under-represented groups: Indigenous people, person with disabilities, newcomer to Canada, first year student, visible minority and/or women in STEM.
Eligible Employers:
Employers must be a registered Canadian business or not-for-profit organization, may be located anywhere in Canada, and may operate in any industry sector. Please see link for exclusions: Talent Opportunities Program | OCC
Eligible Students:
- Registered as a domestic student in a recognized Canadian post-secondary institution (international students are not eligible).
- Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or persons to whom refugee protection has been conferred under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
- Legally entitled to work in Canada in accordance with relevant federal, provincial or territorial legislation and regulations.
- Registered in a program or course with a WIL component as part of their study plan.
- Registered in a full-time or part-time program in any field of study.
Application Process:
Employers are asked to submit applications through Ontario Chamber of Commerce (
Technation Career Ready Program
Technation – Career Ready Program
Career Ready supports businesses by financing their decision to hire a student for a work-term placement.
Potential Programs: Bachelor of Technology (Business Systems Development, Bachelor of Technology (Digital Health), Bachelor of Digital Marketing Communications, Cybersecurity, Computer Engineering Technology- Computer Science.
Wage Subsidy:
The program provides 50% (to a maximum of $5000.00) of a student’s pay in wage subsidies to employers.
An increased subsidy of 70% (to a maximum of $7000.00) is awarded to employers hiring students from under-represented groups:
Women studying Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths (STEM)
Indigenous students
Visible minorities
New Canadians (within 5 years)
Persons with disabilities
Students in their first year of undergraduate study
Eligible Employers:
Registered Canadian businesses and non-profits who can provide a meaningful, tech-focused work placement opportunity to a student.
Eligible Students:
-Students must be registered in an accredited Canadian post-secondary institution
-Unfortunately, International students are not eligible.
Application Process:
This is a three step process, click below to begin:
Tourism HR Canada – Propel Student Work Placement Program
Tourism HR Canada – Propel Student Work Placement Program
Programs: Bachelor of Commerce (Supply Chain Management) (Honours), Business Administration – International Business, Bachelor of Hospitality and Tourism, Supply Chain Management – Global
Wage Subsidy: Up to $7, 500 for each student hired through the program.
Eligible Employers: Tourism, hospitality, recreation, food service and transportation sectors.
Eligible Students:
- Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or refugee status.
- Currently enrolled in a Canadian post-secondary institution.
International students do not qualify for this source of funding.
More Information:
Propel Student Work Placement Program
Apply here:
Trucking HR – Canada
Trucking HR Canada
Potential Programs: Bachelor of Commerce (Supply Chain Management) (Honours), Supply Chain Management – Global and Business Administration – International Business.
Wage Subsidy: Up to $7, 500 for each student hired through the program.
Eligible Employers:
Trucking, supply chain and logistics sector.
Eligible Students:
- Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or refugee status.
- Currently enrolled in a Canadian post-secondary institution.
International students do not qualify for this source of funding.
More Information:
Apply here:
Co-op students make a significant contribution to the organizations they work for, and as a result employers often want to keep them on staff even after co-op ends and students graduate. Below you will find some funding opportunities to help convert your co-op hire into a more long-term hire after graduation.