
Seven tips for acing a job interview

15518999970_0b301f5deb_bA successful interview is an essential step to landing a job, but is often the most difficult hurdle for job seekers. An interview is usually the first opportunity the employer will have at meeting you in-person, and it is integral to your success that a good first impression is given. Fortunately, the following seven interview tips will help you better prepare yourself: Continue reading

4 reasons to enroll in a co-op program

woman-hand-smartphone-deskExperiential and situated learning is an important part of a college education. Co-op is a powerful way for students to gain this experience, which not only gives them exposure to industry while they study, but also become more employable upon graduation.

If you are an Algonquin College student, here’s what you need to know about co-op: Continue reading

Apply now for Summer 2017 co-op

unnamedThe summer 2017 co-op application deadline is fast approaching, and if you haven’t applied yet, now is the time! The deadline for applying to co-op is September 25, 2016.

Submitting an application through the co-op section on HireAC is fast and easy. Continue reading

Consistency, efficiency, de-stress: the keys to balancing work and school

books460If you find yourself working a part-time job while attending school, you’re not alone. Almost 60 per cent of students reported having a job, while also attending post-secondary education, according to the 2015 Graduating University Student Survey. Working during school can help you gain necessary skills, such as time-management and customer service skills, that will be valuable to you when applying for co-op positions or full-time positions upon graduation.

Here are 5 tips to help you balance work and school: Continue reading

4 tips for writing a compelling cover letter

Good cover letters are integral to a successful application

Good cover letters are integral to a successful application

A good cover letter is just as, (if not more) important than a well written resume. Your cover letter is, in many cases, an employer’s first impression of you. It is the first opportunity you will have to impress them before they meet you in person.

Your cover letter needs to stand out from the crowd, so that the Human Resource Representative who’s sifting through dozens of applications at a time doesn’t put yours in the “no” pile.

Here are 4 tips to help you write a great cover letter: Continue reading