
Extracurriculars that look great on your resume

Image via The Salvation Army

Image via The Salvation Army

If your resume isn’t filled with a ton of work experience, there are other ways to tell employers that you’re a great candidate. You can include extracurriculars to show that you have developed skills and experience outside of a traditional job and are a well-rounded individual.

Volunteering or Community Service

Any volunteering or community-based service that you do should be included somewhere on your resume, especially if Continue reading

Fine tune your networking skills with these 5 easy tips

2000px-hello_my_name_is_sticker-svgNetworking is building relationships to develop professional and social contacts. Through networking, you have the ability to; find unadvertised jobs, seek advice and information, or find a mentor. Most organizations value students who put an effort to build their professional network.

But there are a lot of questions related to networking, some of which include: Continue reading

4 people you should be choosing as a reference

While you might spend a lot of time stressing about crafting the perfect resume or cover letter, it is important not to forget about the people that you choose that will (hopefully) say nice things about you when asked by a hiring manager. A reference check is usually one of the steps that employers take near the end of the interview process, and means they are seriously considering you for the position. This is why it is crucial that you include references that will give you a favourable review. You don’t want a bad review from a reference that you chose to be the reason that you were not hired for a position. Regardless of if you have a lot of professional experience or you’re just starting your career, here are the 4 people you should be choosing as a reference: Continue reading

Three benefits of a self-directed job search

black__white_handshake_-_still_from_the_film_colour_blind_2009The Co-op Department at Algonquin College is able to provide many fulfilling opportunities to co-op students for their work-terms. However,we highly encourage students to go out and find their own work-term placements if they have the opportunity.

There are three big benefits to conducting your own self-directed job search: Continue reading