
How to Perfect Your Summer Job Hunt

It may be snowy and chilly outside, but it’s already time to start thinking of your summer job!

Whether you’re working through the summer or are on the hunt for a co-op position, January is the time that employers start posting their summer openings.

This is a highly competitive time. Lots of students will be looking for the same jobs you are, so how do you set yourself apart? These tips will get you started early, help you stand out from the crowd, and find you the perfect summer job.


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How to Step Up Your LinkedIn Game

No, it’s not “Facebook for old people”—LinkedIn is becoming more and more of a cornerstone to any successful job hunt. Today, 93 per cent of recruiters check out potential hires on LinkedIn, so if you’re not there you’re missing an awesome opportunity. Your LinkedIn profile can be the difference between being hired and being forgotten.

We’ve already given you 4 quick steps to make a professional LinkedIn profile. Here’s how to take it up a notch.


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4 most common resume mistakes

A strong, well-written resume is the most important part of any job application, and every effort should be given to ensure that it is as flawless as possible. Most resume mistakes are easily fixed, and making sure that none of these errors show up on your resume will give you the best possible chance of getting an interview.

Here are the four most common mistakes that human resources departments see on resumes: Continue reading

4 ways you can remain productive over the winter break

Your holiday break is the perfect opportunity to relax, unwind, and spend time with family and friends without having to worry about exams or assignments that have to get done. While it is very beneficial to have that downtime, it is also important to not get lethargic, as this will make going back to school in January that much more difficult.

Here are four things you can do over your holiday break to help you make the most of your time: Continue reading

5 Step guide to creating a professional Twitter profile

twitter_bird_logo_2012-svgTwitter is one of the world’s largest social media websites, and is a valuable tool to keep up to date on news and current events, and to be able to engage with people who share the same interests as you or are a part of the same industry. It can also be a valuable asset to use to connect with people when you are searching for a co-op placement.

Here are the steps you should take to build your own professional looking Twitter profile. Continue reading