
3 Things to Do Over Reading Week to Make Your Life Easier

Ah, reading week. That break in mid-February where everyone jets off to a beach, ski hill…or part-time job in Ottawa. Those five blissful days may seem like the perfect time to relax and forget that school exists, but Reading Week is actually a great time to get yourself set up for the second half of the semester.

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Employers: Here’s Exactly Why You Should Hire a Co-op Student

Whether you’re a big organization or a small business, cooperative education students offer a huge benefit to your company. Here at Algonquin College, we’re committed to providing businesses with access to a talented pool of students eager for job experience.

Companies are hiring co-op students to fulfil their organization’s needs for many different reasons. The reasons below are just three of the many benefits.


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The Definitive Guide to Managing Your Online Reputation

So you’re working hard and applying to lots of placement opportunities for the summer. You’re organized and have a game plan for finding the perfect job. Your resume is awesome and your cover letter is perfect. But you’re not getting any calls for interviews. What’s going on?

It could be that there’s something sketchy about you online.

No one wants to think that potential employers are Googling people before calling for job interviews, but upwards of 80% of them absolutely are. If you’re just starting out in the professional world and you haven’t cleaned up your social media presence yet, there might be something in your online presence that’s throwing them off.

So take these steps to clean up and manage your online reputation to make yourself extra hireable online.


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Four Tips to Beat the Cold Season at School and Work

As you’ve probably noticed, it’s cold season in Canada. It seems like everyone you know is coughing and sniffling, and the last thing you have time for is catching their cold. A cold can knock you out for days, and that means falling behind on a lot of work. Most adults catch two to four colds a year, and that means a lot of missed work or school.

So how do you avoid getting sick when you’re totally surrounded in the office or at school?

Here are some real, practical ways to stop the germs.


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3 Easy Ways to Build an Awesome Resume

It’s the season to start hunting for summer jobs, and that means it’s time to make your resume great. Even if you already have one, the new year is a great chance to update it and make it shine.

Your resume is the first time a potential employer will see your skills and experience, so it’s very important that it is the best that it can be. Here are three general tips to make your resume stand out in a crowd.


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