
Two Ways to Balance School, Work, and Your Life

You’re probably quite familiar with the typical student schedule: go to class during the day, work your part-time job in the afternoon, maybe steal a couple hours with friends on a rare Friday night off. These days, 4 out of 5 students work an average of 19 hours a week to support themselves through post-secondary education.

With academic demands, 19 hours of work, and some semblance of a social life, it’s easy to start feeling bogged down and exhausted by your responsibilities.

But there are ways to manage the workload. Here are two key things to keep in mind when balancing school, work, and life.

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Write the Best Cover Letter Ever

What’s the deal with cover letters? Are they necessary? Should you use a template? If the employer doesn’t specify they want one, should you even bother?

The answer, of course, is yes. You should bother. In fact, you need to bother. It’s so easy to shoot off a resume to every single possible job being advertised, and employers know that. By taking the time to craft an excellent cover letter, you prove to employers that you truly care.

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3 Tips to Start and Succeed at Bullet Journaling

You may have heard of the new phenomena that is wildly popular (especially on Pinterest) called the bullet journal. It’s a very trendy way of keeping a notebook/agenda/journal all in one place. Though bullet journaling has gotten super flashy, at its heart it is a useful productivity tool that you can use to keep your whole life in order.

It basically works like this: you fill a page with all your appointments, reminders, events, and notes for the day. You denote each entry with a symbol that tells you super quickly the importance and nature of the note. When you’re done a task, you check it off. If you aren’t going to do it that day, you move it forward. It’s a wildly easy way of keeping yourself accountable.

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5 Tips for Difficult Conversations

Nobody likes them. Everybody needs to have them. Difficult conversations are a hallmark of human interaction, and it is important to know how to navigate them.

Infinite reasons exist for needing to have a difficult conversation. Maybe you’re having problems with your boss. Maybe your roommate isn’t paying rent on time. Maybe a friendship is turning toxic. Regardless of the scenario, someone crossed a boundary and it’s up to you to address it.

These tips will help you have this conversation in a professional, respectful way.

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