
Perfect Your Email Etiquette to Make a Great Impression

Email. It’s a ubiquitous tool that we use for everything from subscribing to newsletters, to paying bills, to applying for jobs. For many students, email has been around their whole life and has become second nature. There’s a good chance that it’s only when entering college, university, or the workforce that email has become a tool for professional communication.

No matter what field you’re in, email has become the way of communication in business. And to succeed as an employee in today’s world, it’s important to have an understanding of proper email etiquette. Today, we talk about helpful tips and pointers to make sure that your emails are always clear, concise, and polite.

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Do these 3 Things to Have a Successful Interview

You’ve put out your resume. You’ve cleaned up your online presence. You’ve even built yourself a professional website. Now, it’s time for you to interview for your dream placement.

If you find the prospect of being interviewed for a job stressful, you’re not alone. But by being prepared and doing your homework before an interview, you’ll feel confident and ready to secure yourself a job.

Algonquin College co-op students: there is tons of valuable information available in Coop 1000 on Blackboard, in Module 3. Be sure to read your modules to be prepared for the co-op interview process!

Man writing

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Why You Should Have a Personal Website for Job Hunting

You may not think that you need a personal website, but having one is one of the best ways to stand out during a job hunt. Even if you’re still a student, a simple and clean website lets you showcase your best work and stand out from the crowd.

You don’t need design or coding experience to make a great website, either. There are dozens of resources online for building one that looks awesome. Below are four reasons why you should launch your personal website this week.

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Use Your Retail Experience to Get an Awesome Job with These Tips

When you’re looking for a summer job or co-op placement, it can be daunting to apply for positions in the professional sector with only retail or service industry experience on your resume. You may think you don’t have the skills necessary to convince employers to hire you.

But this isn’t true—working in retail or the service industry arms you with numerous transferable skills that are highly relevant to professional industries. It’s all in how you brand it.

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