
Three Things to Do This Summer to Get Ready for the Next School Year

It’s hard to believe, but we are only weeks away from the start of summer! For many, this means four months away from school, homework, and group projects.

Summer is an awesome time to take a break, have some fun, and relax. It’s also an awesome time to get some work done, whether at your summer job, a placement, or by volunteering. Below are three ways to make the most of your summer break.

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The Student’s Complete Guide to Branding Yourself

When you apply for a placement or a job, do so knowing that there are dozens, if not hundreds of other applicants applying for that same job. If you’re a student, the competition is even more fierce: a flood of your peers is after the same placement or job as you. So how do you set yourself apart? How do you make an employer remember you?

The answer is to brand yourself.

As a student, the idea of branding yourself can be overwhelming. How do you brand yourself when you’re not even working yet in your field? And what does ‘branding yourself’ even mean, anyway?

Branding yourself means getting yourself known for your abilities. It gives you the confidence to talk about what you’re good at, and helps you connect with the people who can help you build your career. It helps you get familiar with where your strengths lie, and distinguishes you from the crowd.

In this guide, we’ll take a step-by-step look at the process of branding yourself as a student. We’ll look at how to establish your brand, how to communicate it, and how to use it to get fantastic opportunities.

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How to Stand Out at Work

When you start at a new placement or job, it can be overwhelming at first. In an unfamiliar environment, it can take a couple weeks to get acquainted with the people and culture that you now work in.

But slowly, you will start to become comfortable with the work. And when that starts to happen, it’s time to look at ways that you can stand out and succeed at your job. Below, we look at some tactics for success in any industry and any job.

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Five Ways to Set up Your Office Desk for Success

It may seem pretty minor, but the way that you set up your desk can affect your productivity, concentration, and performance at work. A cluttered desk can make it harder to get work done and stay on top of your to-do list.

If you’re about to start your placement in an office this spring, read on for tips to make your desk work for you.

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