
Why Hiring a Co-op Student is a Sound Investment

From big business to small local companies, Algonquin College cooperative education students are a great addition to your team and a solid investment for your organization. Why’s that? Co-op students come with a unique set of skills that give your business an edge. Here are three reasons why hiring a co-op student are a sound investment.

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Time Management for Students

Spring semester starts next week, which means back to class for some and the start of a balancing act between school, work, and life. And while school tends to start slow, you’ll be in the midst of midterms and projects before you know it. The best way to prepare for the inevitable busy time is to start your semester off on the right foot.

If you are headed back to school, read on for some ways to manage your time to make the transition back to school a little bit easier and plan for the semester ahead.

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Success Stories: Exactly How This Student Excelled at her Co-op Term

Lana-Marie Souaid is a second-year student in the Interactive Media Design program at Algonquin College. Like others in her program, Souaid chose to take a co-op term during the second term of her studies.

Working with the co-op department, Souaid secured a co-op position at CENGN, an association of industry leaders that work in telecommunications. The organization needed a brand-new website, and based on Souaid’s skillset, she was asked to design and create it. It went live this month.

“It feels unreal to have my website go live,” Souaid says. “I have never made a website this large before, yet alone for a well-known company.”

This kind of experience is a huge bonus for Souaid, who is set to graduate from the Interactive Media Design program this year. Now armed with industry experience working for a large organization, co-op has given her the opportunity to grow her skillset and test her abilities.

Souaid works at her desk during her co-op term at CENGN.

Souaid works at her desk during her co-op term at CENGN.

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Four Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Co-op Experience

It’s almost May, and for those of you heading to a co-op work-term, you may be starting to feel anxious, excited, and nervous. Co-op can be a career-launching experience for you. It’s an awesome way to learn more about your industry and to become familiar with the kinds of working environments you can expect. You’ll gain valuable experience and stand out in any future job hunt.

Like so many things in life, you get out of co-op what you put into it. Below are some tried and true ways to get the most out of your placement.

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Three Ways to Shine at Your Next Networking Event

Have you heard the expression “it’s who you know” in reference to job hunting before? For many, this can be a discouraging phrase. What if you don’t know anyone in your industry? What if you’re just starting out? How are you supposed to ‘know’ people who can help you get a job?

The answer, of course, is to network.

Networking has a stereotype of being intimidating, especially as a student just getting started on your career. But the truth is that it is the best way of getting your name out there and making some great connections. Here are three great ways to shine at your next networking event.

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