
Writing an Elevator Pitch as a Student: A Step-by-Step Guide

It happens in every interview. It happens at every networking event. It could even happen when you’re out walking your dog, attending a wedding, or at a family gathering.

Eventually, someone is going to ask you the dreaded question, “So tell me about yourself. What do you do?”

Your answer to this question is important. Depending on the situation, it could lead you to job opportunities, mentors, and contacts. It can sell people on you and your skills. It can show potential employers exactly what you can do for them. In 30 seconds, it can open doors for you and help grow your network and brand.

It’s your elevator pitch, and it’s super important that you have one so that when the inevitable question is asked, you’ll have a stellar answer.


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How to Run a Professional Twitter Account (And Use It to Impress Employers)

With 328 million monthly users, Twitter is the fourth most popular social media site worldwide. There’s no denying that the site has real-world impact, sometimes positive and sometimes negative.

But how does it impact you? As one of the foremost social media sites, Twitter is one of the places that potential employers will look when checking out your online presence. If you don’t have a Twitter, you’re missing out on a great chance to network and build your brand. If you have an unprofessional Twitter, you may be turning potential opportunities and employers away.

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Three Steps to Refresh Your Resume and Make It Awesome

Has it been ages since you’ve looked at your resume? Are you applying to dozens of jobs and not hearing back? Does the whole resume situation just make you feel a bit blah?

All these things may be a sign that it’s time for you to refresh your resume and make it eye-catching and awesome. You may have seen some examples of unbelievably cool resumes online, but don’t worry—you can make yours fresh and effective without being a crazy talented designer.

Here are three foolproof ways to revamp your resume today!

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Three Ways to Fake It Till You Make It

We have talked before on this blog about “fake it till you make it”, the process of pretending to be confident to actually become confident. It’s a pretty common piece of advice, meant to help those who may be feeling shy or who are inexperienced in their area of work. It helps you stand out and project confidence in whatever situation you find yourself, until you become familiar with the situation and actually feel confident.

It’s also a great cure for the dreaded imposter syndrome, the (untrue) feeling that you’re not as smart or talented as everyone seems to think. Imposter syndrome is bad because it can hold you back from opportunities of which you are capable and deserving. Faking it till you make it is the answer.

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How (And Why!) To Use Your Class Time to Build a Professional Reputation

Here’s an interesting phenomenon: when you google ‘how to improve reputation at work’, there are thousands of results, all offering real-world advice for building a positive professional reputation for yourself.

But if you google ‘how to improve reputation at school’, there’s not much. But this is misleading: your work reputation starts at school, and so the best way to start building a professional reputation for yourself is now, while you’re still a student.

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