
The 7 Basic Steps of a Successful Job Hunt

With fall coming and a new school year starting, now is a great time to revisit the basics of a successful job or placement hunt. Love it or hate it, job hunting is a necessary part of life. The skills that you learn while looking for a co-op placement will come up time and time again throughout your professional career.

Today, we look at the basics of this process, from start to finish. We’ve also included a lot of links to previous articles we published, all of which go into further detail about the job hunt. As always, if you have any other questions for us, you can contact our office and we’ll help you out.

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The Super Easy Way to Forward Your Student Emails Account to Your Regular Email

With school starting up, you’ll be getting busy again soon. It can be hard to keep up with all the information coming at you, from your program’s Facebook group to Blackboard to random asides in class. But one thing to always keep in mind—especially as a co-op student at Algonquin—is that checking your school email is really, really important.

Here in the co-op office, we use your student email address as our primary mode of communication. That means that resume reviews, interview requests, and—vitally—job offers will often come through your student email. And you don’t want to miss out on any of that.

But, because you’re busy, remembering to check your student email can be hard. The answer? Forward your student email to your regular email account, and make sure you get notifications of new emails on your phone.

Here are the 3 easy steps to make it happen.

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Four Ways to Prepare for the Back-to-School Grind

We are less than a week away from the start of the fall 2017 semester, which means the end of summer and back to school for many. Because your summer schedule and school year schedule can be so vastly different, the transition back into the school year can be kind of stressful.

Today, we’re going to look at four ways to prepare for back to school, to manage stress and make your transition back to student so much easier.

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Three Key Takeaways About How Co-op Can Grow Your Organization from the Globe and Mail

Back in July, the Globe and Mail ran an article written by Steven Murphy, the dean of the Ted Rogers School of Management at Ryerson University in Toronto.

Murphy writes about the lethargy that can affect a corporation, and the different methods that companies are using to break that inactivity and bring a sense of innovation back into the organization. Many of these strategies are ineffective, and don’t trigger company-wide change.

The key to real change, Murphy writes, is co-op students. Energetic and innovative, students are a fantastic way to generate new ideas and initiatives in your organization.

To prove it, the Ted Rogers School of management teamed up with CIBC Mellon. They paired up 5 Ryerson students from varying educational backgrounds with 5 CIBC Mellon employees. Over 4 months, the group worked to find new opportunities and solutions for CIBC Mellon.

Here are three things they learned.

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Three Ways to Update Your Cover Letter

You probably already have a cover letter (hopefully written following our guidelines). You’ve probably had it, or some version or template of it, for awhile. And it has probably worked and gotten you a job.

But with the end of summer—and the end of summer jobs—coming up, now is the time to take a few minutes and update your cover letter so you have a new, fresh tool in your job hunting kit. Here’s how.

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