
The Three Top Skills Employers are Looking For

Whether you’re looking for a co-op placement or a permanent position, or even if you’re looking for a part-time job through school, you’ve probably discovered that it’s a competitive world out there.

You’re probably already aware that to have a successful job hunt, you need to share not only your hard, industry-related skills, but also your soft, transferable skills—those skills that are useful and important in any context.

But what soft skills are employers looking for? There are dozens and dozens of transferable skills, but some are in more demand than others. How does this help you?

By knowing what employers are looking for, you can seek out opportunities to develop these skills further. You’ll also know that if you do have experience with these skills, you should be emphasizing them during your application process.

So here they are—the top three skills employers are looking for.

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How to Manage Your Finances as a Student

One of the most obvious stereotypes of students is the financial struggle: surviving on ramen, counting out pennies (or, nowadays, nickels) for laundry, picking up whatever extra shifts come along. And it is true that your time spent in school can be among the most frugal times of your life.

But there are ways to mitigate the struggle. Bursaries, scholarships, and government programs like OSAP are designed to help you get through the lean years of school. And there are steps that you can take, as well.

Below, we look at three ways to start managing your finances as a student.

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Three Ways to Clean Up Your Online Presence

We’ve already written about the importance of managing your online reputation. The internet has become a key part of any job hunt, and employers do google potential employees. Making sure that your online profiles reflect you in a professional way is super important.

If you’ve read the article above, then you already have a head start on tidying up your online presence. You’ve googled yourself, untagged all those awkward Facebook photos, and built a stellar LinkedIn.

But how do you maintain a professional online presence? Today, we show you how.

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Three Strategies to Work Efficiently at Your Job

You probably know the feeling well: you have a few important projects that need to get done for work, your homework from school is piling up, and you’d like to maybe try to have a social life at some point. Everything must get done, and even though you feel like you’re working hard, you never seem to get ahead.

Lucky for you, there’s a solution. It’s time to learn to work efficiently.

Working efficiently means optimizing the way you work to finish your projects and save time. Learning how to do it takes time, but as you get familiar with your own work patterns you’ll start to see your efficiency changing.

There are some key ways to start that process. Below, we look at three of them.

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Three Reasons to Apply for Summer 2018 Co-op Right Now

It’s pretty crazy to start thinking about next summer already, but we just opened applications for the summer 2018 co-op term! Applications are open from now until September 17th.

That means it’s time for you to decide whether you want to do a co-op. It also means it’s time for us to tell you all the reasons why doing co-op is the best possible decision you could make for your future career.

Here are three big reasons why you should definitely apply to co-op for 2018.

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