
Co-operative Education Tax Credit (CETC) – Up to $3,000

The Ontario government provides a Cooperative Education tax credit to businesses that hire students enrolled in a recognized Co-op Education program for 12-16 week work-terms. The majority of Algonquin College co-op work-terms qualify for this funding.

The Algonquin College co-op department automatically issues tax credit letters at the end of January each year; however we can accommodate special requests for early issue.

How to Stay Healthy While Working in an Office

The environment in which you do your co-op placement may be vastly different from the school environment. You may find yourself on a construction site, in a hotel, out in the field, or—in many cases—in an office.

The transition to an office environment can be jarring. You go from a school environment where your day is broken up between class, homework time, and free time, to a place where you sit at a desk for 7+ hours a day. That change can be rough on your health. To help you stay happy and healthy in your office, here are three tricks.

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How to Deal with People You Don’t Like in the Workplace

We’ve all been there—there’s someone at work who, despite your best intentions, you just don’t like. The little things they do annoy you, the way they talk annoys you, the way they do their work annoys you. There’s nothing particularly awful about them, but you simply just don’t like them.

That’s natural—no one likes everyone. In your personal life, you can usually move away from people you don’t like, but in a professional environment you’re often forced to work with the person—whether on a project together, or even just in passing conversation in the office.

Learning how to manage difficult people is an important skill. Once you’re comfortable navigating these kinds of relationships, you’ll be in a position to better handle whatever kind of personalities the work environment throws at you.

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Three Ways to Master Time Management

We’re getting into the busy part of the semester, when the list of midterms, projects, and assignments you have to do is starting to get pretty real. When this starts happening, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and lose track of what needs to get done.

This is why time management is so important. And while we’ve looked at the basics of time management on this blog before, there’s more to discuss.

So today, we look at three ways to master time management and conquer your to-do list.

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How to Build a Professional Landing Page Online (And Why You Should!)

Job hunting is a highly competitive world, and finding a way to stand out can be a challenge. It’s important to know how to write a strong cover letter, or interview well. But to really stand out to employers, you need to represent yourself in a positive way—you want to build a positive reputation that follows you. This is called branding, and we’ve talked about why it’s so important before.

Think of branding as advocating for yourself—you’re telling your target audience (in this case, employers) about why you’re a great hire. All aspects of your job hunt—from your resume to your interview to your LinkedIn—should be in line with your brand.

But to take your brand to the next level, at least online, you need to go a step further than the regular job hunt materials. You need to build a website.

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