
Survival Skills: Three Ways to Survive a Networking Event

Ah, networking. It’s a key aspect of any job hunt, and often a necessary part of professional life. And while there are varying methods of networking, ranging from grabbing a coffee to speed dating (yes, really), one of the most accessible methods remains traditional networking events.

There are pros and cons to networking events. The pros are that they happen frequently in every industry, and are often full of people that you’ll want to talk to. The cons are that they are full of people, and making meaningful connections in that environment can be both difficult and intimidating.

Luckily, there are some ways of mitigating these cons. Here are three survival skills for successfully navigating a network event.

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Why Co-op Is So Awesome For Students

If you’re thinking about taking a co-op course, you probably have some questions. Most importantly, you probably want to know what benefits co-op can have for you. Why should you take it? What is there to gain?

We have the answers to those questions. For students, co-op is awesome. There are lots of real-world, practical reasons why doing a co-op term can have a great impact on your career. You likely came to school to set yourself up for a good job after graduation; co-op is your ticket to that.

Take a look at these benefits.

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Three Ways to Find a Job (Without Using an Online Job Board)

In the past decade or so, the landscape of a job search has changed dramatically. We’ve gone from traditional door-to-door job searches to internet searches; real-life boards with jobs printed out and posted to digital job boards with hundreds of jobs listed. And while the internet has helped the job seeker in so many ways—hello, LinkedIn—it’s also created a challenge: in the digital world, how do you stand out from all the other applicants out there?

One way of doing so is to go back to basics. There’s nothing wrong with electronic job boards, but it is really hard to stand out to employers when you use them. Knowing how to job search without using a job board is a useful skill, and so today we’re going to talk about three alternatives to use in your job search.

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How to Refine Your Email Etiquette

Email is the omnipresent method of communication in just about every industry there is. It’s become so ubiquitous in work environments that it’s easy to forget that email is a relatively new tool.

As with any new technology, there’s a set of constantly-evolving email etiquette rules that you should be familiar with. Writing a polite, succinct email can help establish you as a professional in your work environment. It’s so important that we’ve written a blog post covering the foundation of a great email here. The basics are: keep it short, proofread, and know when not to email.

But there are more things to bear in mind with emails, so today we’re going to dive in a bit deeper and take a look at three more ways to master your email etiquette.

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How to Define Your Personal Brand

One key aspect of job hunting that you may hear pretty frequently is the concept of personal branding. Branding yourself can help you stand out to potential employers and make you super memorable to contacts in your network. We’ve written a complete guide on branding yourself as a student, which you can read here.

Branding yourself can be a difficult undertaking. It’s hard to take an objective look at yourself and figure out what facets you should feature in your personal brand. You may understand how to market your brand during your job search, but how do you figure out what your brand actually is?

Thankfully, there are some questions you can ask yourself to really dig deep into your personal brand. Below, we take an in-depth look at some of them, so you can get to work on branding yourself.

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