Three Things to Do This Summer to Get Ready for the Next School Year

It’s hard to believe, but we are only weeks away from the start of summer! For many, this means four months away from school, homework, and group projects.

Summer is an awesome time to take a break, have some fun, and relax. It’s also an awesome time to get some work done, whether at your summer job, a placement, or by volunteering. Below are three ways to make the most of your summer break.

1. Start Something New

Summer is the perfect opportunity to focus on building a new positive habit. This could range from a new exercise regiment, to learning a new skill, to starting a book club.

During the school year, it can be hard to find the time to start something new. Summer is your chance to do something you’ve always wanted to do. There’s a myth that it takes 21 days to form a habit, but according to science it’s actually something more like 66 days. That means summer is ideal for forming new, healthy routines.

Some ideas to consider doing over break:

  • Start journaling
  • Start a regular outdoor activity
  • Volunteer for a cause you care about
  • Read more books

2. Get some work experience

For many, summer means work. And for many entering the summer workforce, that means entering the retail and service industry.

Don’t forget that these kinds of jobs can be excellent on your resume. They give you all kinds of transferrable skills that you’ll take with you no matter where you go.

There may also be an opportunity for you to take on work appropriate to your field of study at your current job. Don’t be afraid to approach business owners or managers to do a little extra work—especially in small organizations, extra help is always in demand. If you’re in construction, volunteer to help fix up the shop. If you’re in business, propose a new way of attracting customers. Showing this kind of initiative is awesome, and looks great when you interview for a real job in your field.

3. Have a ton of fun

You’ve worked very hard all school year, so make sure you take some time to enjoy your summer. Get out in the sun, see your friends and family, and enjoy yourself.

Having fun is really important to your mental and physical health. Having fun makes you happier, more creative, and less prone to depression or anxiety.

So take care of yourself this summer! Get out there and have some fun!

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