Employers: Your Questions about Hiring a Co-op Student, Answered

So you’re thinking of hiring an Algonquin College co-op student to work for your business, but you’re not sure where to start. There are so many programs to choose from and you don’t know what to expect.

Below we answer your most pressing questions about hiring an Algonquin College co-op student.

What’s the benefit for my business?

There are lots of benefits to hiring a co-op student. You get access to a crop of talented, high-achieving students who are all trained in the newest techniques in your field. They’re eager and hardworking, and are super motivated to get to work in their industry.

Many of our students end up being hired permanently by their co-op employers, making it a low-risk way for you to find new talent.

On top of all these benefits, you may also qualify for a $3,000 tax credit from the Ontario government for employing a co-op student.

Does it cost money to hire a co-op student?

Nope! Other than paying them, there are no additional fees to hiring an Algonquin College co-op student. And with that $3,000 tax credit, even that cost can be offset.

How does it work?

The Algonquin College co-op office is here to make the hiring process as smooth as possible for you. You start by submitting a brief job description to the office, either through our online form or to coop@algonquincollege.com.

The co-op office will post the job to our internal postings board, HireAC. Students will apply, and you’ll choose candidates to interview. Interviews can be held on the Algonquin campus in rooms provided by the co-op office, or at your location.

Once you select your candidate, the job offer is presented to the student. Then all you need is a formal letter of offer, and you’re done!

The co-op office is with you every step of the way to ensure you get the best student for your position.

What’s my job after I hire a student?

Because co-op students are still considered students of Algonquin College, they have assignments to complete during their co-op work term. Students write a report and final evaluation, both of which need to be approved by you before being submitted.

What does the co-op office do?

The co-op office is your support system. From finding appropriate students, to coordinating interviews, to ensuring all runs well during the work term, we support both employers and students during their co-op experiences. We’re only a phone call away.

Get in touch with the Algonquin College Cooperative Education department to start the hiring process today. We can be reached at https://www.algonquincollege.com/coop/, by email at coop@algonquincollege.com or by phone at 613-727-4723 Ext.7623.

You can also post a job through our website at https://www.algonquincollege.com/coop/post-a-job/.


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