Algonquin Staff: Welcoming an Algonquin College Co-op Student to Your Team This Summer

So you’ve just hired your first co-op student to work on campus through the summer; congratulations! They are excited and ready to get to work. If you’ve never had a co-op student before, here’s how to get them settled and make your experience with co-op the best it can be.


What to Expect First Thing

Expect an eager, highly skilled employee who, like any new hire, will need to get oriented at their new place of work. They will need to learn what the office culture is and what the expectations are for things like work hours, dress code, and organizational structure, as well as the background of the project they’ll be working on.

If they have access to the resources they need—such as a supervisor they can talk to and a clear understanding of their expectations—they’ll settle in quicker and become a valued member of your team.

What to Expect Throughout the Semester

As the semester progresses, students will need to be evaluated both by you and by themselves. Early in their term, your student will request a meeting to set their learning objectives.

As a co-op employer, you will have a couple of evaluations to make on your student’s progress. Links to complete a midterm and final evaluation will be emailed to you. These evaluations only take 10 to 15 minutes to complete, and you’re encouraged to discuss them with the student directly. Towards the end of the term, your student will ask that you review their final work term report for accuracy and provide a final evaluation.

It’s not too late to hire a student for the summer!

Students in Algonquin College’s co-op programs are currently interviewing for their summer work-term.

Hiring co-op students is a fantastic low-risk way of assessing future hires and planning for your department’s succession needs.

Our Programs

We have students from around 30 different programs seeking co-op positions. These students can fulfill all kinds of needs. For example:

  • Horticulture students can work landscaping on campus
  • Bachelor of Hospitality and Tourism Management students can work in food service, catering, events, hotel, or service roles
  • Computer students can help with networking, infrastructure, or client care needs
  • Interior Design students can work in retail design
  • Algonquin Centre for Construction Excellence: students have great drafting and AutoCAD skills

Click here to explore our co-op programs and see what kinds of skillsets our students have.

The Hiring Process

Hiring a co-op student is easy. Simply call or email Mark Weir, co-op consultant, to discuss what your needs are and what students may be a good fit for your team. He can be reached at 613-727-4723 x5602 or

You can also submit a request for information or fill out a job posting form on our website.


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