4 ways you can remain productive over the winter break

Your holiday break is the perfect opportunity to relax, unwind, and spend time with family and friends without having to worry about exams or assignments that have to get done. While it is very beneficial to have that downtime, it is also important to not get lethargic, as this will make going back to school in January that much more difficult.

Here are four things you can do over your holiday break to help you make the most of your time:

  1. Organize your calendar for the upcoming semester

By the time your winter break hits, you should have the majority of your schedule ready to go for the upcoming semester. The winter break provides the perfect opportunity to look over your upcoming course outlines and, if your professor has provided them already, their detailed class syllabus. This will give you an opportunity to input any major assignments into your calendar to ensure that nothing sneaks up on you, and recognize when you will have time to do homework, work your part-time job, and when you will be able to relax.

  1. Exercise

This is most likely going to be your New Year’s resolution anyway, so you might as well get a head start and try and get into a routine as soon as possible. Everyone indulges during the holiday season, and keeping a regular exercise schedule is a simple way to keep healthy during the holidays. You’ll be miles ahead of all the gym-goers cramming into the gym on January 2nd.

  1. Start applying for summer internships

The end of the fall semester is when a lot of companies, especially larger organizations, start to post their internships for following summer. The winter break is an excellent time to do some research on companies that you would like to work for during your summer break. Once school gets going again, you’ll most likely get busy with assignments and other responsibilities pretty quickly, so any headway you can make on your summer job will be beneficial.

  1. Update your resume/cover letter

If you’re going to be applying to any summer internships, or just part-time jobs for during the school year, it is important to have an updated resume. Take the extra time you have during the break and update any information that needs to be reviewed or amended.

Definitely take advantage of your time off by having some much-needed rest and relaxation, but don’t fall into so much of a routine that is impossible to get back to your regular schedule. Being productive over the holidays will make getting back into the school routine of January that much easier.


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