Seven tips for acing a job interview

15518999970_0b301f5deb_bA successful interview is an essential step to landing a job, but is often the most difficult hurdle for job seekers. An interview is usually the first opportunity the employer will have at meeting you in-person, and it is integral to your success that a good first impression is given. Fortunately, the following seven interview tips will help you better prepare yourself:

Arrive ahead of your scheduled interview time

Arrive at least 15 minutes before the scheduled interview to complete any additional formalities at the welcome desk and to give yourself time to settle down. It also gives you a chance to observe the dynamics of the workplace. Be sure to treat everyone you meet with courtesy and professionalism, not just the person who will be interviewing you.

Dress appropriately

Regardless of what industry you work in, dressing professionally is extremely important for giving off a positive first impression. Dependent on the job, a full suit isn’t always necessary, but having a clean, pressed shirt and pair of dress pants or khakis should be the bare minimum. Consult with your co-op coordinator for more information for appropriate interview attire dependent on your industry.

Do your homework

Do research about the company and job requirements. You should know what the required skills are to fulfill the job requirements, so that you discuss them during the interview and be able to answer any relevant questions.

It is also important to learn more about the company history and their products/services. Having knowledge of these things will show the employer that you are an engaged and informed candidate. You can do this by browsing thoroughly through the company’s website, reading news sources, trade journals, visiting the company’s local office, or simply Googling the company name.

Bring copies of your resume and cover letter

On the day of the interview, you should bring copies of your resume, cover letter, and/or portfolio. Do not arrive under the assumption that the interviewer already has copies of your resume and cover letter.

Prepare to answer interview questions

Practice and prepare answers to interview questions. Consider all the common interview questions and

prepare stories and answers for them. Use the STAR method to answer interview questions. Answer all the questions confidently and truthfully. Provide examples of skills and accomplishments you have previously stated in your resume. Keep the interview about yourself and your skills specific to the job profile.

Prepare questions to ask the interviewer

At the end of every interview, the interviewer will ask you if you have any questions. It is important to

take advantage of this part of the interview. Some questions you could ask:

  • What types of opportunities are available for the successful candidate in this role?
  • What is your stance on professional development? Will I have the opportunity to learn new skills?
  • What are your expectations for the first year for someone who is hired for this position and how are evaluations done?
  • What do you enjoy about working here?
  • Will my role be more individual work or team-based?

Your questions should be professional and related to the company, department and job profile.

Thank you after job interview

After the interview, email a brief thank-you letter to the interviewer. In the letter, thank the person for meeting with you and repeat your interest in the job. A thank you letter will help you stand out from the other candidates and will also refresh the employer’s memory about your interview.

For more professional tips & tricks, be sure to check back on our blog at

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