The Unique Perspective of a Co-op Student on a New Career Path
Posted on Friday, March 19th, 2021

Christian is an Algonquin College Computer Programming student who is completing his second work-term as Co-op Career Leader at the Co-op Department. Christian is currently making a career transition from being a lawyer in his home country to computer programming, a lifelong interest of his. This is Christian’s unique perspective on his co-op experience and on transitioning to a new career.
On Being a Co-op Student Working for Cooperative Education
Christian identifies one of his greatest accomplishments during his time working in the Co-op Department as his leadership and creation of an automated reporting tool that reports student and employer performance and engagement on a program-by-program level. “We have been doing these reports for a while now, but with the growing number of programs, it had become a resource drain on our Co-op Student Advisors. Christian’s customized reporting tool has been a time-saver for the team,” said David Hall, Manager, Co-op Department.
Christian is also working on an interactive resume activity, putting his programming skills related to JavaScript, HTML, and CSS into practice. “We love everything Christian brings to our team”, explains Hall. “He is dedicated, caring, insightful, positive, and has strong technical and professional skills.” As Co-op Career Leader Christian also helps students with their resumes and cover letters, he leads orientation sessions and helps students prepare for interviews.
“Starting as an international student, I have met other students in similar circumstances. However, it was in my co-op placement that I met so many other students in almost the same situation I was in. It was an eye-opening experience, I could see other students struggling in areas I had and I could advise them, give them words of encouragement and share my personal experience.” According to Christian, the best part of his job is being an active part in a student’s success. So many students are waiting for the opportunity to prove themselves.
“Co-op is a fantastic opportunity to take the first steps towards a new career.”
Christian graduated in 2003 with a Law degree from the University Center of United Metropolitan Faculties, in São Paulo, and practiced law in Brazil until 2019. Computer programming has always been a subject of great personal interest to him, and as his desire to live abroad grew stronger, so did his motivation to explore his interest professionally. “Changing careers is not easy. So, I’ve chosen something that I previously had an interest in; software development. This is something I can practice anywhere in the world,” explains Christian. He began his computer programming studies at Algonquin College in September 2019.
Advice on the Co-op Process
“Ask for help when you need it. Getting all the information earlier in the process will ease the stress involved in searching for jobs,” explains Christian. This piece of advice comes from Christian’s own experience in the earlier stages of the co-op process. The Co-op student advisors are there to help the students in every step of the process. So many resources are available such as workshops, orientation sessions and much more.
“Apply, apply, apply and pay close attention to dates.” Christian recommends students keep an open mind when searching for jobs while also focusing on the areas where they excel rather than worry about where they might fall short.
“My Co-op placement has provided me with the confidence I needed to take on more senior roles in my new career, while also allowing me to demonstrate to my employer how much I can contribute and turn myself into a significant company asset.”
Christian will be graduating this spring with the skills and the confidence he needs to begin his second career. Congratulations Christian and thank you for your many contributions.
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