Career Networking Fair 2018
Posted on Tuesday, February 6th, 2018
The 20th annual Career Networking Fair, which is coming up on February 13, is the largest recruitment event at Algonquin College, and it keeps getting bigger and better! At last year’s event, a whopping 75 employers networked with the 2100 students and graduates who attended. Whether you’re looking for summer employment, a full time position or a co-op job, the Career Networking Fair is where you need to be.
A number of big-name employers that are participating this year include: Various Federal Government departments: Health Canada, Shared Services, PSC, NRC, CRA; NAV Canada; RCMP; MD Financial Management; Ottawa-Carleton District School Board; and TD Place to name a few. Stay tuned for the complete list which will be posted on the Employment Support Centre website.

Start preparing now for the Career Networking Fair! Here are some tips to make it successful:
Tip#1: Determine 5-7 companies you want to network with
Research the companies and be prepared to discuss why you are interested in working with them. Prepare a solid 30-second elevator speech that emphasizes your technical and soft skills.
Compose questions that you can ask the recruiters, i.e. ‘What skills do you look for in a new potential candidate?’ ‘What is your hiring process?’ and be prepared to answer their questions, i.e. ‘Why do you want to work with us?’ ’ ‘What type of position are you looking for’?
Keep an open mind! When researching companies, consider employers from various industries, i.e. hospitals don’t only hire health care workers.
Tip#2: Be ready with an up to date cover letter and resume that best represents you
Bring crisp, clean, error free copies to leave with recruiters. If you need assistance prior to the Career Networking Fair, please make an appointment at the Employment Support Centre – 727 4723 ext. 7200 or Co-op office 727 4723 ext. 7623.
Tip#3: Dress for Success
Remember – you want to leave a lasting, positive impression! Clothing should be professional, clean and pressed. NO jeans or sweat pants. Also, to make a strong impact, visit employer booths on your own, not with friends or in a group.
Tip#4: Body Language Speaks Loudly
When approaching a recruiter, a smile and firm handshake are a must! Speak clearly and confidently when introducing yourself and be ready with your elevator speech or personal marketing statement. Be specific – outline your education, skills, experience and the type of job that interests you.
The Career Networking Fair takes place February 13 from 11:00am – 3:00 pm in the gymnasium of the Ottawa campus. Learn more by visiting the Employment Support Centre website.