Prove Yourself at Work with These Tips

When you first start a co-op term, there will be a lot to learn. A new organization, new coworkers, and brand-new tasks mean that you’ll spend your first month or so getting oriented and comfortable with your role.

But as time goes on through your work term, you’ll start to find opportunities to really prove your worth to your coworkers, supervisors, and organization. The benefits of taking advantage of these opportunities are huge—in co-op, it could mean the difference between being hired permanently after your work term, or not.

So how do you go above and beyond at work, and prove that you’re a super valuable member of your team? Here are some strategies to do just that.

Jump at Opportunities to Learn

One of the coolest parts of being a co-op student is that every day at work is a learning experience. You’re still technically a student, but you have access to a whole new realm of learning opportunities that your peers in the classroom aren’t getting.

To prove yourself at work, seek out and engage with those opportunities. Show your supervisors and coworkers that you want to explore the different aspects of your role, not just what’s on your job description. Ask questions about how things operate and what roles different people play in the organization, and take notes when you get the answers.

This strategy is twofold: one, you’ll really impress the people you work with when you show how engaged you are. Two, you’ll pick up so much more when you actively seek out learning opportunities, instead of simply fulfilling your role every day. You’ll gain valuable insights into your industry, strengthen your network and professional relationships, and start building an awesome reputation as an invested go-getter. There’s no downside to being eager to learn.

Be Consistent and Reliable in Your Work

You may believe that the best way to prove yourself quickly is by ensuring that all the work you produce is always perfect. Supervisors will love you, you’ll never do wrong, and everything will be great, right?

Wrong. Perfectionism is your worst enemy when you’re first starting out, especially as a co-op student. The reality is that as a student, as someone who is still learning, your work will never be perfect. You will make mistakes, or miss something, and that is okay. That’s the whole point of doing co-op—to learn. Striving for perfection will hold you back, make you afraid to step up, and earn you no favours in the workplace.

Instead of perfection, you should instead strive to be consistent and reliable. Do the work people assign you to the best of your ability and in a timely way. Ask questions, and don’t be afraid to seek help if you’re stumbling on something. Stay organized and don’t miss deadlines. Be accountable for the work you’re doing.

This approach is way more beneficial than striving for an intangible idea of perfection. When the people around you can trust that your work will consistently be of a high caliber, and they know they can rely on you to get it done, you build a fantastic reputation for yourself and start to become indispensable. You’ll never be perfect. And that’s okay.

Ask for Feedback

In the professional world, year-end reviews are typically held with employees to look back at their performance during the past year. Where are their strengths, what are their weaknesses, and how can they improve? These reviews are often seen as a nerve-wracking experience. But in reality, a sit-down meeting with your supervisors to discuss your performance is one of the most powerful experiences you can have—especially as a co-op student.

Co-op students from Algonquin College are expected to submit a midterm report and final evaluation, which their supervisors need to sign off on. As a student, you can take advantage of these times to schedule a meeting with your supervisor and really dig into your performance so far.

These kinds of meetings are incredibly valuable. Not only can it be a confidence booster—if you’re doing well, your supervisor will be sure to mention it—but it can really help you identify which areas you can grow in.

Say your supervisor suggests at your midterm review that your time management skills need to be improved. You can then take real steps to improve your time management before your final evaluation. When your supervisor sees you working hard to improve yourself, it’ll look really good on you.

By then putting effort to improve these areas, you’ll show yourself as someone who is responsive and willing to learn.

Proving yourself in a new work environment can be tricky, so always remember to not be too hard on yourself. You’re in co-op to learn, and there’s no better place to learn about the workforce than by actually being a part of the workforce. By being eager, reliable, and accountable, you’ll stand out and start building a fantastic reputation.

If you would like to learn more about the Algonquin College co-op program, please visit our website at, connect with us at or call us at 613-727-4723 Ext.7623. You can also follow us on Twitter @AlgonquinCoop.


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