Employers: What Does the Algonquin College Co-op Department Do for You?

You already know that Algonquin College co-op students can be a game changer for your organization. You’ve looked over the co-op process for students to understand what a co-op term entails. Now, you just have one question left: what does the Cooperative Education Department do for you?

Below, we look at three key ways that the co-op office makes your hiring process easier.

1. Finding Appropriate Students

The Algonquin College Co-op Department will first work with you to figure out what program is suitable to your staffing needs. We offer over 30 programs, so there’s a good chance that we’ll be able to help fill your staffing need.

Once we establish what programs are appropriate, we can advertise your job posting to the students from those programs in particular.

There are a number of benefits to this method for you. First of all, students involved in co-op must meet a minimum GPA requirement. This means that the students viewing your post are already successful at their work.

Secondly, it cuts out a lot of work for you. Once the posting is closed, we send you a packet of applicants. These are all the students interested in your posting.

2. Coordinating Interviews

Next, you choose which students you would like to interview from the packet of applicants, and when you would like to interview them. Our office will then take care of all the arrangements, from contacting students to confirming their attendance.

You can host your interviews at your location, or here on Algonquin’s campus. You’ll have access to quiet interview rooms, and we’ll even cover your parking.

3. Work Term Support

During the work term with your co-op student, the Co-op Department sticks with you. We plan midterm site visits to as many of our students as we can, and try to contact the rest by phone. This gives the student an opportunity to share their co-op experience with us. It also gives you an opportunity to discuss co-op directly with us—how the process, department, and student have worked for you.

And if anything happens during your term, we’re right here to provide support. Remember—co-op is risk-free. If you don’t find an appropriate applicant, or if your chosen candidate doesn’t work out, you can walk away. There are no penalties.

Hiring a co-op student is a great way to fill temporary staffing needs, bring in new energy, and get access to a whole new crop of talent for your organization. And by working with the Algonquin College Co-op Department, the process is so much easier for you.

Do you want to learn more about the Algonquin College co-op program? Visit our website at https://www.algonquincollege.com/coop/, connect with us at coop@algonquincollege.com or call us at 613-727-4723 Ext.7623. You can also follow us on Twitter @AlgonquinCoop.



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