Why Hiring a Co-op Student is a Sound Investment

From big business to small local companies, Algonquin College cooperative education students are a great addition to your team and a solid investment for your organization. Why’s that? Co-op students come with a unique set of skills that give your business an edge. Here are three reasons why hiring a co-op student are a sound investment.

Get Access to Top Talent

When an Algonquin College student comes to your business in a co-op position, they come as a highly-motivated student with cutting-edge knowledge in their field. They are freshly trained and ready to start doing great work in their industry.

This influx of new knowledge and energy can be a boon to your organization. Co-op students show up with a new perspective and fresh ideas that gives your company an edge over the competition.

Co-op is also a great way to assess upcoming graduates and find your next permanent hire. Many of our co-op students are hired by the organizations that hosted their work terms, meaning that a significant portion of highly-trained professionals in your industry never even hit the job market. By bringing in a co-op student, you become privy to a pool of excellent, experienced candidates for your next hire.

Fulfill Your Company’s Needs

When you discover a temporary need for employees in your organization, co-op is your answer.

Co-op terms generally range from four to eight months, full time. It’s the perfect amount of time to fill in for permanent staff, or start a special project that your organization just hasn’t had time to tackle yet.

A co-op term can also be the perfect opportunity to train co-op students to eventually be permanent employees. That way, when the job opening arises, you already have a fully trained candidate ready to step right into the job.

It’s also low-risk. Throughout the co-op process, from job posting to interviewing to hiring and beyond, you retain full control of the situation. If no candidates fit the needs of your company, you can walk away without spending a cent.

Get a $3,000 tax credit

The Ontario government issues a tax credit up to $3,000 for businesses that hire co-op students.

This credit can help you cover the costs of paying your co-op student for the length of their term.

So in addition to getting access to top talent, fulfilling your company’s needs, and planning for your future hires, you also get up to $3,000 back.

Get in touch with our office today to start the process of hiring your first co-op student today! We can be reached at coop@algonquincollege.com or at 613-727-4723 x7623. You can also post a job directly through our website at www.algonquincollege.com/coop.


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