Considering Co-op? Learn from a previous AC Co-op student’s experience [Interview]

Algonquin College prides itself on the work that our co-op students do during their placements. Student success in the classroom and in the workplace is priority for everyone at the College.

Algonquin_College_logo.svgTianyi Gu is a former Business Intelligence System Infrastructure (BISI) student currently working as a Business Intelligence Specialist in the Information Management and Information Technology Branch of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.

Adam D’Agostino, Co-op Communications Assistant and current public relations student recently connected with Tianyi to talk about his co-op experience.

AD: Why did you decide to choose this program at Algonquin and do a co-op work term?

TG: The program is well designed; all the courses that you have to take are essential to data analysts or BI (business intelligence) specialists. It’s a highly efficient one-year program, which is perfect for adult students to leverage their career.

BISI (Business Intelligence System Infrastructure) got me ready to get into the job market. I was able to learn a lot, not only from professors, but also my classmates. I enjoyed the coursework itself; I had a lot of fun working side-by-side with my classmates on intense and challenging projects. I was able to learn teamwork, IT logics, and how to maintain a good work ethic that will benefit my career forever.

Co-op can help you build your professional network. I was able to build good relationships in my co-op placement and was able to prove that I was qualified enough by the end of the term to get hired on full-time.

AD: What were some obstacles you faced when doing your placement?

TG: At first I wasn’t sure if my work experience and skills would transfer well to the position, as I did not have any relatable industry experience, but the opportunity allowed me to prove myself to my employer.

AD: Do you have any advice for a student about to start their co-op term?

TG: This is likely your first professional work experience, and it needs to be treated as such. This means completing your assigned tasks to the best of your ability; be punctual and respectful to your colleagues, and present yourself in a professional manner.

AD: Was your co-op what you expected? How were you treated on the job?

TG: Yes, my co-op was what I expected it to be. My role, as problem solver, on the team was to handle the difficult, technical tasks. I was able to contribute like a regular member of the team, and upon completion, I received a full time job offer.

AD: What was the most important aspect of your co-op work term?

TG: It was an important opportunity for me because I was able to find out what I enjoyed doing, and what I wanted to be doing farther down my career path.

AD: Looking back, would you do co-op again?

TG: Yes, it’s good way to apply the skills learned in the classroom to a real-world environment.

Co-op enables students to gain valuable work experience through paid on-the-job training, which may lead to full-time employment. Co-op is able to bridge the gap between the classroom and the workplace.

If you think that you might be interested in learning more about the co-op program, please visit our website at, connect with us at or call us at 613-727-4723 Ext.7623


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