3 reasons why hiring a co-op student is good for business

Hiring a co-op student not only benefits the students by providing valuable work experience, but also benefits our employer partners as well. Employers often cite the following 3 benefits when talking about hiring a co-op student:

Co-op students add tremendous value to any organization

Co-op students add tremendous value to any organization

Fill a temporary void quickly

A co-op student is the perfect resource for your organization to fill a temporary void that may have gone unfilled or to a temporary contract worker or would have increased the workload for your full-time staff.

Hiring a co-op student provides organizations access to the latest talent pool of potential employees, before they enter the post-grad job market. Your organization is able to do this without having to make a long term commitment. A co-op term can be treated as a 4-month job interview for your organization.

By getting to know your co-op student, you are able to make an informed hiring decision, one that a series of interviews would never allow. You have been able to see if the co-op student has been a good culture fit for your organization, if they have the right skills that you’re looking for long term, and if they have the work ethic that you desire from your employees.

Co-op students eager to learn and to make an immediate impact

Students are able offer a great infusion of energy to any team, big or small, regardless of industry. Co-op students jump-at the opportunities that are given to them, and are eager to make a difference for your business. Coming straight from the classroom, they are up to date on the latest technologies and concepts, in their respective fields, that are integral to keeping your organization on the forefront of your industry.

As well, co-op students are there to learn the ins-and-outs of exceling in the workforce; this is a great opportunity for long-time employees to offer their mentorship and guidance to those who have are just at the beginning of their careers.

You get a tax credit

In case you missed it in our last blog post, you are able to claim up to 30%, or up to $3000, of the wages that you pay to your co-op student, in the form of a tax credit.

This money could go towards a great many things to improve your business; research and development, advertising, or perhaps your office just needs new coffee machine.

Whether your company might have just picked up a new project, or maybe one of your permanent staff members has gone on maternity leave, or simply covering annual leave, there’s many reasons why you might need temporary workers. AC co-op makes hiring a student easy; simply reach out to coop@algonquincollege.com and we’ll be in touch within 24 hours. If you decide to post with us, we’ll take care of all the logistics including scheduling, interviews around your availability, providing free parking and private interview space on campus, and more.Access to the latest talent, before they enter the job market

If your organization thinks that they might be interested in learning more about the co-op program, please visit our website at https://www.algonquincollege.com/coop/, connect with us at coop@algonquincollege.com or call us at 613-727-4723 Ext 7623


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