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Pembroke Campus Schedule

The Convocation Ceremony Schedule below is exclusive to Algonquin College in the Ottawa Valley (Pembroke Campus). For questions regarding the Pembroke Campus Convocation, please contact Melissa Brasch, Registrar, Fees Clerk and Scheduler, Community and Student Affairs braschm@algonquincollege.com

Graduate guests: graduates are permitted to bring an unlimited amount of guests.

The Algonquin College in the Ottawa Valley Convocation will take place at the Pembroke Memorial Centre (393 Pembroke St W, Pembroke, ON). For full ceremony details, visit the Pembroke Campus Convocation Page.

Ceremony Programs

June 13, 2025
1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Livestream link coming soon

Academic Upgrading
Applied Nuclear Science and Radiation Safety
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Business Fundamentals
Carpentry and Renovation Techniques
Computer Programming
Computer Systems Technician
Construction Carpentry Apprenticeship
Early Childhood Education
Environmental Management & Assessment
Environmental Technician
Forestry Technician
Outdoor Adventure
Outdoor Adventure Naturalist
Personal Support Worker
Police Foundations
Practical Nursing
Pre-Health Science Pathways to Advanced Diplomas and Degrees
Regulatory Affairs
Social Service Worker
Urban Forestry – Arboriculture