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Graduate Certificates: What They Are & How They Benefit You

Are you looking to advance your career and get an edge over the competition? Algonquin College has just the thing for you… graduate certificates.

What’s a graduate certificate?

A graduate certificate is an academic credential available to students who have already completed a diploma, advanced diploma, or a degree and wish to continue their studies to master their field of interest. These are post-grad credentials that are viewed as specializations.

Graduate certificates take less time to complete than regular diplomas or degrees (in some cases, as little as one year)! Graduate certificates empower you to advance your career and focus on what you love most.

Unlock career opportunities and earn more money

We’ll break it down using an example; let’s say you graduated from the Advertising and Marketing Communications program with an advanced diploma. Your dream is to become the greatest Brand Strategist the world has ever seen so you use your vast knowledge and experience to branch out by taking the Marketing Research and Analysis program. This program teaches you to investigate how and why people purchase products and services and prepares you for a data-driven career in the marketing research discipline.

Come graduation, you’ll be awarded a graduate certificate! This permits you to climb the nearest rooftop to finally tell the world, “I’m a professional Brand Strategist who specializes in Market Research and Analysis!”.

Essentially, since you’ve already gotten a massive chunk of your education done, getting a graduate certificate is like going the extra mile. This lets potential employers know that you mean business and shows that you really know your stuff. It also unlocks career opportunities that might not have been previously available to you, which leads to more money.

Get practical experience and make connections

A large number of Algonquin’s graduate certificate programs even offer co-op placements! These are a great way to build a strong network, learn from real industry professionals, get some hands-on practical experience and maybe land a permanent position after graduation if you play your cards right.

Find your perfect fit

You can earn your graduate certificate in various ways; AC offers graduate certificates online and in-person (part-time and full-time). Graduate certificate programs are open to applicants with at least some post-secondary education at the university or college level so if you’ve already got a diploma, advanced diploma, or a degree, you’re set.

Get started

Build on your education with a specialized graduate certificate. Whether you’re into AI software development, cyber security, or victimology; there’s something for you here. With so many programs to choose from, the world is your oyster!

Explore Graduate Certificates