Preparing For College: Budgeting & Finances

We’re excited to bring you a new series all about what to do to get yourself prepared for starting college or even just a new semester!
Apply for OSAP
First things first! Apply for OSAP! You are not obligated to take the money that OSAP offers to you but this is an opportunity to receive grants (the stuff you don’t have to pay back) in addition to loans. Applying for OSAP can also make you eligible for some on campus jobs, so again, APPLY FOR OSAP!
Check out Algonquin College’s Financial Aid webpage for resources and details on applying.
Check out the Algonquin College Bursary Portal
Algonquin College has their own Bursary Portal that you can access through your ACSIS account! It usually requires you to give a few additional details but it only takes a few minutes to complete and can offer you a bit of extra money to help towards school!

Apply for awards and scholarships.
Awards and scholarships are a great way to get some extra funding towards your education and they are available from a wide variety of place, you just have to apply. Algonquin College has their own established awards and bursaries , you can also find listings of grants, scholarships, and awards from websites like Scholarships Canada, Yconic, and Student Awards. It’s also worth checking out your bank, many major banks offer scholarships, grants, and bursaries, you just have to do a quick Google search.
Figure out your expenses.
Figure out what your expenses are! Making a list of your expenses is important so that you know upfront how much money you will need and also so that some large expense doesn’t pop up out of nowhere! Make sure to list: tuition, books, cost of living expenses (rent, bills, car payments, cellphone, etc.), any extra fees for your program and any tools you might need for school (laptop, software, camera, notebooks, tools). And don’t forget to take advantage of student discounts!!
Check out budgeting apps & tools
These days there are all sorts of tools to help you budget. Try a few and see what works best for you. Check out our address your financial stress article for some great ideas for where to start, or this great comparison of budget apps from Young and Thrifty.
Check out the resources from AC
Algonquin College has specific resources from Financial Aid that can help support you financially as you make your way through your education.
Find part-time employment.
If you’re able, try taking on a part-time employment! Algonquin College has job opportunities on campus or find something local to you. Even better, try finding something that relates to your area of study.
Use your summer job to fund your school year.
Summer jobs are a great way to earn money to help you pay for all your needs through the school year or help you get that extra bit of spending money for fun breaks during the semester.