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Student Success

5 Useful tools for writing and proofing assignments

When we read our own work several times, it gets harder and harder to find spelling or grammar mistakes. We have selected 5 great online resources to help you make sure your assignments will look and read fabulous!

1-The Coaching Lab

The Coaching Lab

This is an Algonquin College resource and is our number one tip! The Coaching Lab provides support for writing, English as a Second Language (ESL) and Math! This resource is part of the Student Learning Centre and offers Algonquin students individual or small group coaching, and you can book your session online. The writing sessions cover grammar, brainstorming and outlines, formatting a paper, citation, self-editing techniques and much more. The ELS sessions cover oral presentation and communication, reading comprehension and basic writing skills. The service is free to all Algonquin students and you can book 2 sessions per week!


This is one of the most popular online resources for proofreading, and offers a free version, as well as a paid version. The free version will help you with spelling mistakes and poor use of vocabulary, while also suggesting words that will improve the readability of your document.

3-Hemingway Editor

Hemingway Editor

This tool will rate the readability of your document. It will identify, for example, sentences that are too long, as well as differentiating between passive and active voice. The final goal is to give a perfect flow to your writing making it more enjoyable and easier for the reader.

4- Ludwig


Ludwig is a sentence search engine that will help you correct your writing sentences based on examples from reliable sources. You can get definitions and synonyms, paraphrase your sentences, discover missing words and much more!

5- Spell Check Plus

Spell Check Plus

This simple tool will let you paste you’re your writing in a text box, which will then highlight spelling and grammar mistakes followed by a suggestion of correction. It is a great start in the proofreading task.