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Student Success

Learn from the best: Habits of highly successful people

Man looking at tall building
Success means different things to different people. To some, it’s about thriving on the world stage. To others, success lies in finding personal fulfillment.

Whatever your goal, however you envision yourself succeeding, there are a few common threads that will help get you there.

Top performers across all industries share several key traits and habits that empower them to succeed at work and in life. Have a look to see which ones you recognize in yourself and which you’d like to improve on.

Highly successful people:

Know what they want. They’ve made a point of identifying their goals and they understand their motivations. Having a strong internal compass helps them maintain commitment and prioritize objectives.

Think long-term. They’re determined to carry out their vision and they align their daily practices toward attaining the big-picture goal. High achievers realize that lasting success is more important than instant gratification.

Have confidence. Those who have success in life believe in themselves and take steps to pursue what they want. They don’t talk about getting things done; they just do them. And they aren’t afraid to aim high, whether it’s for a job, a specific project or a personal accomplishment.

Think positive. The most successful people are highly optimistic. They focus on the up side and never dwell on negativity or doubt.

Take risks. Successful people know that “failure” is a learning opportunity and that high risks can bring high rewards. They don’t let minor setbacks or frustrations sway them from their course, and they’ll keep trying until they achieve what they want.

Say “No.” They don’t get pressured into doing things they don’t want to do or that will steer them off course. That includes knowing when to say “No” to themselves; successful people understand the importance of prioritization and don’t take on more than they can handle.

Persist & persevere. Successful people know that persistence is the key to getting things done. They know that consistency and determination lead to success, so they don’t give up.

Communicate & listen well. Much of success is about building great relationships. Successful people know how to communicate their message clearly and effectively. They’re also open to hearing feedback and respect new ideas.

Give generously. They care about bringing value to other people. One of the secrets to long-term success is to find ways to give, not to get. Whether it’s their time, knowledge or resources, high achievers are happy to provide.

Prioritize sleep & exercise. Successful people think holistically. They understand that to reach peak performance, they must keep mind, body and spirit in top shape.

Unplug from technology. Successful people realize that taking time out from the digital world helps improve productivity and overall well-being. They make it a regular practice to meditate, daydream or enjoy unfocussed thinking — without their devices — so they can reflect on the day and plan for the next. Even just 10 minutes a day of “power-down” time can enhance creativity and boost resilience to life’s stressors.

Embracing these habits and characteristics will help position you to deliver your best work and live your best life. Find the ones that resonate most and see how you can incorporate them into your daily routine.

The main thing to remember is that success is a mindset. To succeed on your terms, you need to identify and create a life that matters to you.