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Student Life

How to make the most out of learning from home

You've got this signRemote learning offers many advantages, such as being able to select a course load that fits your schedule, and being able to study from home, the office or even a local café. But the key to successful remote learning lies in knowing how to structure your space — and your day — so you can do your best work.

As a remote student, you’ll receive a course outline and clear guidance from Algonquin College facilitators. You’ll also have plenty of opportunities to interact with fellow online students. Still, it’s important that you be self-directed, independent and organized.

Here are a few tips to help you maximize the benefits of remote learning and avoid the pitfalls of distraction and procrastination:

Create a designated study space. Having a study space that’s separate from personal everyday activities, like sleeping or watching movies, goes a long way toward getting you in the right mindset for studying. It can be as simple as a desk, a chair and a computer. Just make sure the study space has good ergonomics, so you don’t strain your wrists or wind up with a sore neck or back. And keep it tidy; clutter gets in the way and can be distracting.

Set a schedule. Having regular working hours helps you stay on task and ensure that you don’t fall behind. Don’t forget to schedule breaks for exercise or a snack. In fact, you should make sure your schedule includes breaks; even a short walk around the neighbourhood will help you stay productive and motivated — not to mention, feel happier and better balanced.

Respect your study environment. That includes asking others to do the same. If you have a partner, children or housemates, let them know when you’ll be studying and that you expect not to be disturbed. You should also tell your friends about your study hours, so they don’t assume you’re always available to chat.

Show up ready to work. Remote study is serious business, so treat it that way. Before sitting down to study, get dressed and make a cup of tea or coffee. Try to create a clear transition between personal activities and the start of your workday. You might be surprised by how much it sets the tone for more focused, effective learning.

Minimize distractions. When you’re studying from home, make an effort to tune out anything that will interrupt your focus. If you have pets, keep them away from your study space or put them in a crate. And don’t feel the need to answer the door or pick up the phone. Just because you’re home, it doesn’t mean you’re available. You should also resist the temptation to check texts or emails while you’re working, unless they’re related to your studies. Save the socializing for your breaks!

Get to know your online community. Algonquin College offers a rich learning environment designed to enhance your studies as well as your personal fulfillment. Make use of the many resources at your disposal to create a learning experience that meets your needs. Reach out to fellow students and course facilitators; visit discussion boards and forums, or send emails and instant messages. Learning from home doesn’t have to be isolating, so don’t let it be!