Algonquin’s virtual classroom expertise gives learners an edge

The first time that Tayyebe Seif took an online course, she initially thought the three-hour French class would be a bit boring, but she was surprised by how engaging it turned out to be.
“I found it even better that the actual class, because I had the opportunity to work with every single student in the class,” said Seif. “I found it even more interactive, because usually in the class you are always sitting at the same seat.”
Emma deWever took Autism and Behavioural Science, which is a program that is only offered online at Algonquin College. At the beginning, she wondered if she would still be motivated by just taking online classes. In the end, she was pleased with the experience.
“I found it easy to stay on track and stay motivated because the instructors were very helpful, and you are connected to other students,” said deWever. “I got a job in my field immediately after, because what I have learned in the program prepared me so well for my placement.”
Online learning at Algonquin
Due to COVID-19, many programs at Algonquin College will be delivered online for the Fall term. This might be a new experience for most students, but Algonquin has been delivering virtual classes for over 25 years. The college was actually one of the seven founding members of OntarioLearn, a program that was created to make education available to as many learners as possible.
Before the pandemic, Algonquin College was already delivering more than 800 online courses and had more the 17,000 students registered for virtual classes.
In 2019, the college was ranked first in Canada in online enrolments. The Dean of the Centre for Continuing and Online Learning at Algonquin, Patrick Devey, said that the college uses new technology, additional course-design specialists, more interactive elements and custom video content to enhance its online offerings.
For Seif, continuing with the online classes is an easy choice. “If I had to choose between an in-person class or a virtual class, I would choose the virtual class again,”she said.