Why can’t I see courses that are part of the previous program of study, but are still being offered as part of the teach out plan?

GeneSIS currently only pushes courses to COMMS from the newest Program of Study (POS) version and only allows one course outline version in COMMS per academic year.

If you are teaching out a course and there is no version of your course outline for the current academic year, course outlines from the old POS can be pulled in manually by the COMMS Administrator. Please contact Linh Kennedy with the list of courses to be pulled in, as well as the program and level they are associated with.

Please note, if the course code in the new POS remains the same as the course version that is being taught out, the old version of the course cannot be manually brought in as COMMS only allows for one course outline per course code for each academic year. The only work around for this scenario is to download the course outline from the previous academic year from COMMS, make any necessary edits and upload it manually to Brightspace. You must also ensure that the new course outline version is left in “Draft” as Brightspace will pull the outline for the current academic year if it has been approved.


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