Random Acts of Kindness Week Challenge
February 14, 2021
Random Acts of Kindness Week is Sunday, February 14 – Saturday, February 20, 2021. It’s a week dedicated to kindness and taking that extra, conscious step to brighten somebody’s day.
#DidYouKnow that Random Acts of Kindness Day® is Wednesday February 17, 2021? A Random Act of Kindness (RAK) could be surprising a classmate with a coffee egift card, complimenting somebody on a job well done or placing a funny note in your child’s lunch box. There are so many ways that you can join in, spread some kindness and positivity and possibly make someone’s day.
Are you ready for your challenge?
Here are three more things you can do to get ready for #RandomActsOfKindness
- Check out RAKs annual kindness calendars for both work and home and start a daily habit of kindness:
- Print this year’s colourful 11×17″ Random Acts of Kindness Day poster and canvas your community making others aware of the upcoming celebration.
- Print this year’s black and white colouring page and add your own colour and creativity to the Random Acts of Kindness Day Poster.
#ACKindness #ExploreTheGood #MakeKindnessTheNorm #RandomActsofKindness