Up to $5,000 Towards Tuition? We thought you’d like that.

Tuition ContestHow does up to $5,000 towards your Algonquin College tuition sound? It could be yours, for the low, low price of just 140 characters!

We want to hear from you. Specifically, we want to know: What do you hope to change by coming to Algonquin College?

Maybe you want to change the career opportunities available to you. Maybe you want to change your life, and kick start that business idea you have always thought about. Or maybe you even want to change the world with the skills you can learn at Algonquin College. Share your strong, meaningful, unique and impactful answer. Don’t forget to be creative!

Answer this question in 140 characters or less, and be entered for a chance to win up to $5,000 towards your tuition at Algonquin College for the 2020-2021 Academic Year.

But don’t just take our word for it. Hear from some of our past Tuition Contest winners:

Words from past winners

Dreams became reality for Algonquin College’s very own Madeleine Bourget, Public Relations student. As soon as Madeleine learned about the tuition contest she knew she had to enter: “I first heard about it through a banner on the Algonquin College website. From that point I was very interested in making an application and submitted my video before the deadline.”

Jack Meldrum, Architectural Technician student and 2018 contest winner, was just as enthusiastic, “I had heard about the tuition contest through visiting the Algonquin College website when I was applying for school. I was doing everything I could to find bursaries and contests to help me with school.”

When Madeleine found out she was a 2017 finalist, she was given two weeks to get the most votes on her entry video. “After the two weeks, I was asked to come to the College to meet with the other three finalists where it would be revealed who the winner was. I walked over to the AC Hub. I was completely shocked when I got up the stairs and saw that I had I won the contest!” You can watch Madeleine claim her prize here.

Jack’s winning moment was equally sneaky, “[They] contacted my family and set up a big reveal of me opening a package that eventually said that I had won the contest while my family filmed my reaction.” Enjoy his moment of surprise here.

Before winning the contest, Madeleine was juggling work and school at the same time. “Winning the contest gave me the financial freedom not to have to work more than 15 hours a week during the school year. I was able to use my extra time to develop meaningful relationships with my professors and classmates and focus on my studies.”

The contest winnings gave Jack the flexibility he needed. “The contest was more than just ‘free money’. It allowed me to aim my focus towards school and assignments rather than worry about fee payments, etc.”

Enter the Algonquin College Tuition Contest today, and tell us what you hope to change by coming to Algonquin College. The contest begins October 1, 2019 at 9 a.m. and ends July 31, 2020 at noon.

Learn more about the contest, including rules and eligibility, here.

Note: You are not eligible to enter if you are a current student at Algonquin College; an employee or agent of Algonquin College.


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