Tea, Teaching and Bannock event engages and inspires learners and employees

December’s Tea, Teaching and Bannock session welcomed Courtney Scott, an early childhood education (ECE) advisor from the MétisKerry Potts and Courtney Scott in foreground with participants in Tea, Teaching and Bannock learning session in Nawapon. Nation of Ontario’s (MNO) Early Learning & Child Care (ELCC) branch.

In a dynamic and hands-on presentation and activity session, Scott shared creative and interactive learning activities with a crowd of ECE faculty and learners that explored MNO-created resources to be used in early learning and childcare contexts.

The Giving Tree, a book by Leah Dorion, was shared and discussed. This is a story that emphasizes Métis core values and beliefs including strength, kindness, courage, sharing, generosity, as well as care for the greater community. Attendees learned how to create a story kit bag that included a felt board with story pieces, language cards, matching cards and a resource guide for educators.

Information about the MNO’s ELCC Education Kit was also shared. This kit has been developed for use within early learning environments to enhance an understanding of Métis culture for all children in a culturally appropriate and inclusive way.

To find out more about the resources we will explore together, please visit MNO’s ELCC’s Specific Resources website.

Tea, Teaching and Bannock is an encouraging space to foster relationships across the College and to share and promote reconciliation through education.

The Tea, Teaching & Bannock shared resource site is where you can find where announcements about events and educational resources.

For more information and resources visit the LTS Indigenous website.




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