For three weeks in July, Northern youth aged 16-22 from the Northwest Territories and Nunavut travel to the Ottawa Campus to build career and life skills in the Northern Youth Abroad (NYA) Next program. This year, 21 participants are living on campus while they volunteer in the community, receive individual career coaching, and develop public speaking and presentation skills. They leave the program with high school credits, career preparedness, and the experience of living on a college campus. Continue reading

Image: From left to right, Professor Jed Looker (HCDL), Gilmar Joseph (DSC), J’Quan Lecointe (DSC), Luna Liu (HCDL), Jaimon Orlé (DSC), Dr. Hermancia S. Eugene-Zamore (DSC), and Jane Wang (HCDL) at Dominica State College.
Jed Looker, Research Chair of the Human-Centred Design Lab (HCDL), along with student interns Jane Wang and Luna Liu of the Interdisciplinary Studies in Human-Centred Design postgraduate program, participated in a mission to the Commonwealth of Dominica in support of the Skills to Access Green Economy Program (SAGE) applied research project.
The mission took place from Oct. 17 to 28 and was managed by Julita Palka, Senior Regional Manager, International Education Centre, responsible for the implementation of SAGE initiatives.
The applied research project is funded by Global Affairs Canada (GAC) and administered by Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan). The goal of the project is to increase economic opportunities for graduates of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions in Dominica with a particular focus on climate-smart construction/carpentry skills for the green economy.
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