Scene, Heard and Shared: the Best Moments from Algonquin’s Spring Convocation

Just as every picture tells a story, every tweet and Instagram post tells a tale.

Spring convocation has come and gone, but its memorable moments – from funny to family – were captured and shared on social media by grads, parents and College staff. We showcased the best of the bunch to present our five reasons to feel Algonquin pride…

1. Wavin’ flag: Our grads don’t hold back their excitement.

Newly minted graduates! #Algonquin2017

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2. Full minds, fuller stomachs: we recognize how hungry students can get while they’re waiting to cross the stage.



We’ve got them covered.

3. We are family: no one showed their pride more than AC grad supporters!

Bye Algonquin, onto the next chapter??‍??#Algonquin2017

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Some were more enthusiastic than others.

Proudly waiting for our graduate ?! @allangault,#Algonquin2017

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Including Cheryl!

4. Staying connected: our grads were supported from near and far.

5. Showing their moves: grads worked hard to get to their big day.

And they weren’t afraid to show off their moves.

June 21, 2017 "THAT'S MY BOY!" Jayson's graduation, now on to bigger things! Congrats bruv ? #algonquin2017

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Some are clearly ready to launch themselves into the future!

Celebrating success! ??? Our last day of convocation at the Canadian Tire Centre. #Convocation #Algonquin2017 #Amazing50 #AC50

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Congratulations to all our graduates. We wish you the best with your next adventure. We’re happy we were able to be part of this one!



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