Mental Health Week – listen to understand

As we wrap up Mental Health Week, we hope you have enjoyed reading the articles that have been available to you all week. Please visit for more information. Our last post of the week, is an article about listening to understand. When friends or family members come to you to vent, what they may really want is empathy and not to be judged. This article will remind us about the importance of listening to understand and the important truths to keep in mind when we are working on being there for someone.
Listening to understand, not to judge – Canadian Mental Health Association (

Mental Health Week – the art of listening in six steps

Mental Health Week continues! One way to strength our relationship with others is through listening effectively. In this article, we learn about the art of listening in six simple steps. Listening is more than just hearing, it is about the other person knowing that we are there with them. Review the checklist to learn how to really listen to someone and review activity on active listening to further enhance your skills.
The art of listening in six simple steps – Canadian Mental Health Association (
How to really listen: A checklist – Canadian Mental Health Association (
Active Listening | Practice | Greater Good in Action (

LifeWorks Webinar: Our EFAP Provider, LifeWorks, is hosting a complementary webinar on No One Left Behind – Exploring the looming mental health crisis by bridging the care and inclusion gap. Session starts at 11 a.m.

Mental Health Week – the key to peer support

In this article you will learn about peer support which is basically the emotional and practical support between people with similar experiences. Learn how empathy is used in peer support and certification to become a trained peer supporter. You also want to learn how to avoid the empathy trap!

Empathy: the key to peer support – Canadian Mental Health Association (
Peer Support Certification: Peer Support Canada
How to Avoid the Empathy Trap | Greater Good (