‘Community Unity’, a fashion, arts and music event June 25

Walking down a runway wearing one-of-a-kind Indigenous designs was the first time that Kyrstin Dumont felt she could fully embody her beauty as an Indigenous woman.

Now, she uses her modelling experience to uplift and amplify other Indigenous youth who are struggling to navigate the Western beauty standards set upon them.

“Diving into the modelling and fashion world in my community in 2018 really uplifted and amplified me in a time that I needed it the most — it put me on a pedestal, which is something I had never experienced before in my lifetime,” says Dumont, who has been modelling for about four years now.

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Jason Blaine Back Home for His Charity Concert and Golf Tournament-Raises $130,000

Jason Blaine has done it again! The talented musician who has become a philanthropist has raised another $130,000 through his signature charity event held every year in his home town of Pembroke. Over the past eight years, the event has now contributed more than $750,000 to causes that are important to Blaine including youth, mental health and education.

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Fostering an inclusive community: 2SLGBTQ+ resources for allyship & support  

At Algonquin College we’re on a mission to transform hopes and dreams into lifelong success. We understand that success looks different for everyone, and that each person’s journey is paved with its own set of challenges.

Understanding the individual nature of one’s journey also means providing individualized support for the challenges one faces. From bursaries to training sessions, Algonquin College is committed to providing 2SLGBTQ+ community members and allies with tailored supports that go beyond rainbow logos, pink t-shirts, and public diversity statements to address individualized needs.

In honour of Pride Month, we’ve compiled a list of Algonquin College resources that can help ensure every member of the AC community – form student to staff – has a safe and positive College experience. Read more >